We need to take our medicine America. The fed can't just keep cutting rates. That is just going to devalue our dollar and increase inflation. I can't believe the idiots that run this country sometimes. We got ourselves into this mess as a whole. Politicians, ourselves, banks, the list goes on and on. Lets just get it over with. Agree or disagree? The longer this goes on, the worse it will be when we finally do take that pill. Either way, it will be hard to swallow. The longer we put it off though, the bigger the pill gets, and we are going to need a huge glass of water to get it down out throats. But you can't say we don't deserve it!
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Sorry I haven't been posting lateley!
Hello everyone! I am so sorry to those of you who have been visiting my page and not seeing any updates. I have been very busy. I have still been keeping an eye on the news, but I am trying to make some moves to make my life better. I have always wanted to own my own business and be my own boss. I have always had ideas on how to do that, but maybe not very good ones, or very well thought out ones. I got excited when I came up with my newest idea because for the first time, my wife thought it was a good idea and backed me 100%. I have been researching a lot the last couple weeks about my idea, and I hope to start doing something in the next month. I would like to be doing this full time in 6 months to a year (that may be overly ambitious, but you have to have a goal right?). Right now may be the time to do it also with what is going on in the economy. I will keep you updated! Please wish me luck!
Posted by
Jason Z. Pennington
11:40 PM
Thursday, January 17, 2008
I must be psychic!
Read yesterday's post, then read this one. Wonder where we are headed? Or should I say, is it going to be the big R or the big D?
Posted by
Jason Z. Pennington
3:22 PM
Recession, Depression, or Just a bunch of bologna crap?
As I sat here tonight thinking about what to title this blog, there were several titles that I passed on, but here they are:
What the Hell?
We are screwed?
How are a bunch of idiots running our country?
What is going to happen?
Like it or not, the outlook does not look good for the economy in 2008. I work in the mortgage business, and see the effects first hand. In the last 6 months really is where things have just gone down the crapper. I went from closing over a million dollars a month most months, to not being able to scrounge up a loan to save my life. Appraisals coming in lower and lower. A lot of houses coming back as being in an oversupplied and declining market. It is kind of scary. So what are the american people going to do when they can't keep borrowing against the equity of their homes? Who knows? We get less and less refinances where we are consolidating debt because the equity isn't there. There are more and more people on adjustable rate mortgages who waited and waited, and now their rates adjusted, and they are flat out screwed because they can't refinance because there isn't enough equity in their home. So now, like I said, what is going to happen? Well, this whole mess is going to spill over into other markets. It is already starting to happen. We are starting to see more and more late payments on credit cards, or just not paying them because the interest is so high. Once this really starts taking hold, then people are going to curb their spending even more, because they don't have cash on hand, and don't have any credit left (which is starting to happen also), and we are going to be thrown headlong into a Big, Bad, Recession. Really, it could be worse. If you read the article above about the similarites between 1928 and 2008, it really is quite scary. Once spending slows down, the economy will be in trouble, because the thing that has been propping our economy up (over 60%) is spending. Once the money dries up, then the economy topples, right? If I am wrong, please tell me I am. I want to be wrong.
The fed keeps lowering rates, but is this the answer? No, because it causes more inflation because the value of the dollar declines (as it has been for quite sometime now). This is another scary thing facing our economy and country. It has helped exports, but that is it. What happens when China decides to pull our card on all of our debt with them? The dollar sinks. Better buy some gold! I guess we should all buckle down, and be prepared right? It seems the media fuels this as well, because I wouldnt even be writing about this if I didn't hear about it every day. I'm afraid that when it does happen, no one will be ready, and it will be scary times, but let's hope not. I do like the ideas that the republican presidential candidates have brought up in the debates when questioned about this issue. They say cut taxes, but the big thing is, cut spending. I'm not sure they can really do this because they love to spend, but I think it is time to start taking care of the U.S.A. instead of getting involved in everything that comes up around the world. We give away so much money to all these countries that we should not be. What if we kept it and invested in OUR future, instead of theirs. How about we fight the war against terrorism here at home? We have a border crisis that no one ever hears about because the media is Pro illegal immigration. We need to secure our borders first!
So Bush is over in the middle east trying to come up with a peace agreement between the israelis and the palestinians. Yeah George, that seems like something you should really be worrying about right now. He is also over the begging the OPEC nations to cut the prices on oil. Good Job Mr. Bush. Beg. I supported Bush for a long time, but now, more and more, everytime I see him, all that comes to mind is moron, idiot, and a lot of other choice words. But really, I could say that about EVERY single politician that is in congress, the senate, state level, etc. We are so out of it, that we don't know what we are doing anymore. Let's take care of us and be greedy for once. Without We the People, there is no United States, and it is time the political morons realize this and save us from ourselves......
Posted by
Jason Z. Pennington
12:17 AM
Monday, January 14, 2008
Can't we all just get along?
Maybe the problems of our country all come down to one thing. How unbelievably divided we are as a country. You have democrats on one side, republicans on the other. Then you have your fringe groups of left wing crazy liberals, and right wing religous nuts. Then you have independents out there that really are the people with any common sense left.
George Bush accomplished one thing while in office. Dividing the country further along political lines, capitalizing on what Bill Clinton was responsible for starting. Back when Clinton was in office, the republicans were trying to burn him at the stake, now it has come full circle. Democrats are in control of congress, and they want to be sure that Bush fails and is seen as a complete failure in his presidency. Bush is an idiot. That is for sure. My grandpa always said that he though Dick Cheney was the real person in charge, and I think he may be. What is wrong with this? The fact that someone is "in charge". It's the people who are in charge, right? Wrong. Because we have elected a bunch of representatives that do not do, or fight for the things that We the People want. What is it going to take for us to wake up? It wasn't that long ago that there was a civil war in this country (in the terms of history). Granted, the chances of someting like that happening now are slim to none, we still need to exercise our voting rights because they are just that. Rights. Get up off your butt when election time comes near and VOTE! I don't care if you are a liberal, a right winger, a fiscally conservative republican, an independent, an alien (space alien), whatever, get out there and vote. If you don't, you have no one to blame but yourself.
Posted by
Jason Z. Pennington
11:59 PM
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
The Presidential Primary Mess
Is it possible that in the firt 3-4 primaries we could actually have different winners in each? Iowa was a surprise. I mean, really, it was. Are the American people finally standing up for themselves. Romney and Clinton both think they can BUY the election because they have the most money, yet both of them got beat handily in Iowa. Obama. Wow. Huckabee, not so wow. Listen, I don't want to be predicting anything, but a democrat is going to win the presidential election. There is not one republican candidate that has shown they can beat a democratic candidate. I dont want Obama to be president. I dont want clinton to be president. I damn sure dont want edwards to be president. However, I can honestly say that I dont want any of the republicans to be president. Mccain will let the flood gates open up for illegal aliens. Romney is a snake in the grass. If he wins, we will have a decent economy, but the rich will benefit the most. Giuliani is a moron. Everything he says in the debates and forums is about 9-11. Ron Paul is insane, but amazingly, I probably agree most with some of his ideas (so i guess im crazy, but i like to think I am a constitutionalist). Fred Thompson has been the biggest disappointment to me of anyone. Fred, what the hell? Why are you running for president. You dont seem to even care when you are up there answering questions. I think he is the best choice, but you have to be able to rally people behind your cause. No one even knows what Fred's about, because he hasnt told us.
While I dont remember the 70's too well (i was a late 1979 baby) from what history tells me, we are in nearly a mirror image of what was going on then. Republican corruption leads to an ineffective democratic president (jimmy carter) who won because he was the candidate of change and a likable guy (ala obama and huckabee). Iran is knocking on our doorstep (the republican national guard confronted some of our navy ships in the gulf over the weekend, trying to set off world war III i would guess) gas prices are at an all time high, inflation is creeping up and up, and we have a very unstable economy (that the government tells us is strong, oh its so strong, wake the hell up!) and Russia and Red China are becoming more agressive towards us than ever before. Hmm, what the hell do we do? We have a bunch of people running for president that are going to lead up further towards this path of crisis. The only candidate that I would trust with our security in the future is john McCain, because he understands the stakes, and has actually lived through war and been a POW. He is a true american hero, however, I'm not sure he could beat a democratic front runner (even though through his policies, he may as well be a democrat with the McCain-Feingold legislation, McCain-Kennedy legislation, etc)
So what do we do? I don't know. I think we should all stock up on guns and ammo, canned food, and build a bunker to climb in because it may come to that in the next 10 years. Hopefully though, maybe Jesus will come back and I'll be caught up in the rapture (if Im lucky). Good night.
Posted by
Jason Z. Pennington
12:41 AM