Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Take Your Medicine

We need to take our medicine America. The fed can't just keep cutting rates. That is just going to devalue our dollar and increase inflation. I can't believe the idiots that run this country sometimes. We got ourselves into this mess as a whole. Politicians, ourselves, banks, the list goes on and on. Lets just get it over with. Agree or disagree? The longer this goes on, the worse it will be when we finally do take that pill. Either way, it will be hard to swallow. The longer we put it off though, the bigger the pill gets, and we are going to need a huge glass of water to get it down out throats. But you can't say we don't deserve it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

my medizine ran out and i am having problems with getting to the store since my car broked down. do you know if there is a cab that can pick me up at 4:00 today?