I can say that I would have never guessed I would have seen this in my life, especially at this specific time!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Wow, this is a must see!
Posted by
Jason Z. Pennington
5:16 PM
Update on Obama vs. Berg Lawsuit
It was dismissed in district court by the judge. However, ask yourself this before you cast your vote. Why hasn't Obama released his records from the Illinois senate. Why hasn't he released his transcripts from his time in college. Where is his senior thesis paper? Why won't he release a list of his donors? Who is backing him? Why? Ask yourself these things before you vote. If he would just come clean, I might just vote for him myself. I just have lots of questions that still need to be answered on my part!
Posted by
Jason Z. Pennington
10:45 AM
Ready, set, implode
Get ready folks. The election is less than a week away. Get ready for fraud, lawsuits, racism accusations, drama, etc etc. I have never seen a country so divided in my life. Count on riots either way. It should be interesting. My advice would be to go vote, report any funny business going on from either side, and then go home and lock your doors. Get ready. It is going to be a fun day and night!!!!
Posted by
Jason Z. Pennington
10:44 AM
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Is Obama Even a Citizen?
Well, of course there are all kinds of conspiracies going on right now. This is something I have been researching pretty extensivley here the last week. I didn't want to post too fast, and then regret it. I think we are on the cusp of something big that is about to happen. I think it also shows how corrupt our politicians on both sides, plus the mainstream media are. First, check this out. Philip Berg is a DEMOCRAT, former deputy attorney general of the state of pennsylvania, and has run for governor in that state. He isn't some wacko apparently. He has filed a suit in a pennsylvania district court calling for Obama's name to be taken off the Democratic Presidential ballot because he is not a naturally born citizen. Pretty scary stuff. I have seen the birth certificate that Obama posted on his fight the smears site. Well, problem is, first of all, it was a certificate of live birth, not a certified birth certificate. It was quickly taken down after people caught that, and started questioning the authenticity. Apparently it has been proven by thousands of graphic design artists that it is a photoshopped fake. Read this:
Anyways, the thing that bothers me is what if this is true? I am not saying 100% true that it is, but what if it is? What does this mean? It means that Obama will go to jail for election fraud, along with leading members of the DNC. It will be a huge deal. Probably be race riots, etc. Supposedly, McCain's lackluster, not seeming to care what is going on attitude is because the RNC is about the drop this bomb the week before the election. Also, supposedly Phil Berg has tapes of Michelle Obama talking about this, and saying the racist whites are trying to keep Obama from being president, and a tape of his grandmother from kenya saying Obama was born in Kenya, and she was there, at the hospital, along with his half brother and sister. There are also kenyans that have been on video that have said over and over that obama is a native kenyan son, and they are excited that an african could go to america and become president. So, check out the stuff on philip berg and his case. At least read it, because you will never see this on CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, etc. However, Greta Van sustren finally aknowledge it yesterday on her website, but then hid the comments section and story because so many people posted. I will try to post that link as well. All I am saying is, dont be surprised if the $hit hits the fan next week! Oh, and do take the time to listen to Philip Berg and Michael Savage audio clip. They raise some scary revelations, true or not. I guess my thing is, if this is going on, why doesn't Obama produce a real birth certificate to the court as requested by the judge (McCain already has, along with med records, transcripts, etc)if there is nothing to hide, or does he have something to hide? Also, where are his college transcripts, schedule as state senator, and his senior thesis projects? Along with the case records that he worked on as a lawyer? Something is going on.
Posted by
Jason Z. Pennington
8:46 AM
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Some great advice and Info
Folks, I ran across this when I got into work this morning, and thought I should immediately post this story. I think more and more people need to start looking into this kind of stuff. Read the story, and form your own opinion!
Posted by
Jason Z. Pennington
7:11 AM
Monday, October 6, 2008
Doesn't this remind you of something? A guy named hitler, and a thing called nazism? This is scary. We have 4 weeks left and you people had better wake up out there. If this doesnt creep the shit out of you, then you are already brain washed. Clean your guns, buy some ammo, because things are going to get bad folks, if this man is elected president of the United States. Be sure you watch the whole video too please:
Posted by
Jason Z. Pennington
12:55 PM
Friday, October 3, 2008
Thanks A lot Great Leaders!
Well, I just couldn't wait and had to go ahead and write. The bailout bill passed. Mark my words. This is the biggest scam in history. This may help things for a month or two, but you watch, after the two months is up we will be right back where we started. Actually back to where we began at the beginning of the year. Banks failing, mortgage business tanked, only difference will be we will have even LESS money than we have now. Unreal. If someone comes up and slits your throat wide open, and cuts your jugular vein, and you are bleeding profusely, You can just slap a bandaid on there and expect it to stop you from bleeding out. Again, our congressman, senators, and president have sold us down the river, along with our futures, our children, and our grandchildren. Sickening. Check out these links for some REAL information-
Posted by
Jason Z. Pennington
1:05 PM
Thursday, October 2, 2008
The Politicians Have sank the boat and America with it!
I always start my posting off like this, more and more. I havent written in a while, because I am trying to sware off of politics. However, I can't not post today. I thought the American People had won for once on Monday when the disgusting bailout plan was defeated. Then, of course, the manipulated stock market took a crash on monday, when they did't pass the bill. But then, guess what? It went up the day after that on hopes that they would pass a new one. This is all disturbing to me. We do not live in a free society anymore. It is becoming more and more apparent to me that things are not what they seem. George Bush came on Television with his emissary Hank Paulson telling us the sky was falling, and they needed immediate action and power to save it. Guess what you idiots, the american people do not want to bailout your fat cat friends on wall street. You use your fearmongering chicken little speeches to scare us and tell us of our impending doom. The market is correcting itself. Nothing more, nothing less. It is Karma, pure and simple. What goes around comes around. Our economy is very sick, and now it must take its medicine. Those that did business the wrong way, must fall by the wayside. But don't fret fellow citizen. There will be new banks and businesses to take their place. That will do business ethically and right. However, if this bill gets passed, forget it. Forget all that. We will be living in the same credit driven society we are in now, and will continue to rack up massive amounts of debt consumer wise, and government wise. I am really surprised china hasn't pulled the plug on us yet. I fear it will be only days or weeks until they do. You think this is bad, wait til the do that. They aren't our friends. And the thing that further insenses me is that no one understands where this money is coming from! It isnt truly taxpayer money. It is coming to us from guess who? China and the Middle East. Yeah, look it up. Add another trillion to the national debt. Good God man, when does it end. Ive been telling you that glenn beck has been on this for a year now. Everything that guy predicts comes to fruition.
I can't believe I am saying this, but if a bunch of people decided to start a revolution in this country, I would be all for it. I would be out there with all my guns and knifes going at it. Maybe we should organize it on the internet? Something has to be done. Lets start in the voting booth in a month and vote out all of the people who are going to sell us down the river with this bill first. Then we can see where we stand after about 6 months and make a decision from there. Advice for now? Buy guns if you don't have any. If you have them, stock up on bullets. You may need them either way.
Posted by
Jason Z. Pennington
4:10 PM