I have been so wrapped up with politics lately in my blogging, that I haven't taken the time to just write some thoughts that I have been having. This will be a rambling, random post, but it helps sometimes to just write things. I went down to Talladega over the weekend for the race with my friends Whitney, Phill Blessinger, Phil Bradley, and Ben Stephens. It was a ton of fun. Whit and I drove down friday night, and we made many stop on the way. We didnt get there until 2:00 in the morning, so we promptly went to sleep, and managed to toss and turn until about 10 a.m. We spent the day sitting at our campsite in the sun, just shooting the breeze, drinking some beer, enjoying cigars and some kodiak. It was a lot of fun. Unfortunately, the real fun which is the night time, got cancelled because we had a good storm roll in. We tarped our canopy tent so the rain wouldnt get us, and played some card games and hung out. Ben had a bit too much to drink, fell off a cooler, and then laid on the wet ground snoring for about 45 minutes. Once we roused him by slapping him in the face with a hot dog, he then laughed hysterically at me and whitney as we stood by the roadside yelling at cars to "SLOW DOWN, THIS IS A DAMN NEIGHBORHOOD!" Luckily, we slept through the rain, and got up early the next morning and were lucky enough to have the rain hold off long enough for NASCAR to get the race in. It was just a great time, and it was sad to go back to work on Monday.
Lately I have been thinking about looking for a new job, and have decided I need to now. Things aren't so good in the mortgage business, and there is a lot of unneeded stress at work, on top of not making any money anymore. I think eventually you have to just take a step back and evaluate. I need to find a job where I work normal hours, have a good guarenteed salary, and am happy. I want to see my wife more often and just be in a better mood. With the economy the way it is, it sucks all around for middle of the road people. You just have to buck up, and take it, and try to have a little fun so you don't go crazy. I have a good business idea with the logging and land stuff, but I need some money to get my LLC formed. I was going to do that with my commission check from a couple months ago, but we put it in savings, and are hesistant to spend it right now with how things are. Maybe Ill do it with the rebate check I will get. Maybe I can put it to good use. I am also starting to realize now may be a good time if you can find an idea for a business or investment to take advantage of the economy being weak. I think real estate (land) and stocks are the way to go, because once things start getting better, which they will, you will have bought cheap, and sold high for sure.
Another thing that has been on my mind lately is how much I love my dogs. I know, it sounds stupid. They are just animals. To me though, they are more than that. They are good pals. They are always happy to see me. They are always wanting my attention. My black Lab Sally goes down stairs with me when I get home at night and lays on the couch next to me. Its nice to have a buddy like that. Sadie does too, but she is a mommas girl, so a lot of times, she will come and hang out for a bit, but then it is back up to the bedroom with momma to sleep in my spot on the bed (on top of the covers) and wait for me to come and go to sleep. God Bless them, they are great (and rex too, but he is still warming up to us!)
I guess I am going to ask for a grant, welfare, or a handout here. If some rich, nice person wants to float me a grant for about 100,000 dollars so I can get my business started, I will tell ya, I believe that within 2 years I can pay it back, plus some interest, and get my business going. If you are feeling charitable, and want to see a young man achieve his dreams, just let me know. But no funny business. I dont need to get screwed!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Just Thoughts
Posted by
Jason Z. Pennington
1:32 AM
Thank You Barack
Well, I have to be honest, after hearing Rev. Wrights comments to the National Press Club, I was sick to my stomach. This guy is crazy. There is no doubt about it. This whole thing with Rev. Wright has been a bit of a drag on Obama. Just the utter hatred, and insanity of the things that this guy has said, gave me cold chills, and made me feel very offended, and feel feelings that i haven't felt before towards someone. I didn't like it. He was attacking my country. And he was attacking me. White America in his eyes is the devil. We deserved 9/11. Our chickens had come home to roost. The audacity of him to say that his comments were taken out of context just completely dumbfounded me. He said what he said. And now it seems he wants to expound on them and add fuel to the already hot burning fire.
Then comes today. Barack finally came out and categorically denied the Rev. Wright and any question on him agreeing with his views. While Barack still has a lot of questions to answer, it has eased my uneasiness about him. If he is just being a politician, then he has at least convinced me. I'm not saying that I will vote for him, but if he were to win, I don't think I will move to a different country. But, that could always change! Check out what Obama had to say:
On another note. I was heading to the gym after work, and I think i may have passed Hillary Clinton going south on highway 41 after being in Princeton. Whoever it was, it was someone important. It was a big motorcade, and there were a bunch of police cars, and even more police on motorcycles escorting it. It was kind of cool.
Posted by
Jason Z. Pennington
1:22 AM
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Earthquakes and UFO's
So, what in the world is going on here lately? Since the beginning of the year, there have been mass UFO sightings in Stephenville, Texas, and on Sunday near and around Phoenix Arizona. Here in Indiana, we have had 23 earthquakes and aftershocks since friday. Holy Cow. What is going on? I will be completely honest. I was SCARED TO DEATH when I awoke friday morning to the earthquake. It was 4:37 a.m. At first, i thought it may be a wreck, and someone hit my house. Then I thought maybe it was a tornado, but I looked out the window, and the wind wasnt even blowing. My house kept shaking though. And my doggies started freaking out. I got more and more scared as the shaking continued. But I think more than anything, the rumbling freaked me out. It was like thunder coming from the ground. I immediately turned on the news in my bedroom, and byron douglas was saying we were having an earthquake. Wow. Then, we had another one about 6 hours later. And numerous aftershocks that I haven't really felt. But 23 all together, man that is a lot of activity. I hope it isnt leading up to something worse in the near future. Here are some interesting stories on these topics if you want to check them out:
Posted by
Jason Z. Pennington
12:44 AM
Obama Apparently isn't a Closer
Maybe the sparkle is started to wear off. Maybe the controversies recently are starting to catch up with him. The media is starting to sway a bit on their liberal bias for him. Hillary whooped that ace tonight in Pennsylvania. That tells me that hard working, blue collar democrats dont like to be called bitter, or told that they cling to their guns and religion. All I can envision for the next couple months is more drama in this democratic primary. It is hilarious to be honest with you. Remember the Electile dysfunction comments dems threw around about the republican primaries? Looks like someone else is having trouble with dysfunction.
I was told today that I was biased against Barack Obama. You are damn right I am biased against Barack Obama. I am not one of these fools who has been caught up in the handsome man, in the nice suit, that reads well off a teleprompter. This guy was doing that earlier here in my city tonight. Okay, listen, Im sorry. I dont believe that Obama is a bad guy. I dont think he is evil. I think he definately has a lot of people fooled. I just want you to do your research on him. That is all. Please, dont turn into one of the brainwashed fools that has packed roberts stadium because you are caught up in the rockstar persona around him right now. If you went to see what it was all about, that is cool. That is a good thing, because I know a few people went, and it started to make them realize, they need to think about this some more, and make an informed decision. Not a decision based on hype, and smooth talking. Here are some good articles to read on obama-
Michelle Obama's Senior Thesis-http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0208/8642.html
This is all im doing tonight........so i dont get too worked up!
Posted by
Jason Z. Pennington
12:20 AM
Friday, April 11, 2008
I'm Back!
Well, after some long breaks of not writing, I am back tonight. Im sure the few people who read my blog regularly have long left. If not, thanks for staying with me. I have just been so stressed out with my job, trying to start working out again, on vacation, getting ready for turkey season, and most of all.........so fed up with politics that I was worried I would give myself a heart attack if I kept going at the pace I was.
I will tell you one thing. Day by day I am more and more concerned about the direction our country is heading. I will tell you right now. I am voting for McCain. No doubt about it. The democrats seriously worry the hell out of me. While I have been away, I have still been staying on top of things. There were so many times where I wanted to get on here and blog about something that was said on Glenn Beck, Hannity and Colmes, Bill O'Reilly, Lou Dobbs, etc. But, I forced myself not to. I have been perusing the courier and press message boards and reading comments. I have also been checking out a new site I found called redblueamerica.com. This is a great site if you want to read views from both sides, which I do. So, some things I have seen that concern me. I see comments by obvious liberals and left wingers that remind me of nearly hitleresque rhetoric, and it is now apparent to me their socialist agenda. There is a left wing conspiracy. To destroy capitalism, redistribute wealth, and thrust us into a socialist government. Throw out the constitution, and start it all over in their view. The first time I saw Jonah Goldberg (author of Liberal Facsism) on Glenn Beck and then Hannity and Colmes, I thought, come on now, this is getting a little crazy. But I am starting to see the similarities clearly. Just take the comments off of the courier and press website today from a couple well known self described liberals:
Posted by merelykaren on April 10, 2008 at 5:10 p.m. (Suggest removal)
It is clear the objective of the conservative repubs who post here is to keep this country in perpetual war to the benefit of corporatism, destory the middle class and drive it into servitude for the benefit of corporatism, and to establish a white christian ruling class that will make other races and non-christians subservient to them. This is the ugly truth that began surfacing when they stole the presidency for idiot boy in 2000 and has snowballed since. They will try to subvert the coming election and will prevent it if possible. They are a bigger threat to the US than any foreign country has ever been. Wake up America, turn them out, drive them down and condemn them to never win an election again. They ARE the enemy.
Posted by timeforchange08 on April 10, 2008 at 2:33 p.m. (Suggest removal)
Is that all you republicans can do is criticize the other party for having ideas and solutions to our problems. You say we are in a dream world. I think you conservatives have been so stuck on your capitalistic dogma that you no longer have creative brain cells in your head. Maybe after we force you into our way of thinking you will actually enjoy it. Look at the Clinton years. Compare them to now, sounds like the progressive thinkers can claim the victory here.
Posted by timeforchange08 on April 10, 2008 at 1:35 p.m. (Suggest removal)
For years we have had conservative republicans uphold this idea of capitalism. Look at where it has gotten us as a whole. There is a small group of rich people that hold 80% of the money and the rest of us have to fight for the other 20%. Talk about someone ruling with their thumb, look at the gas prices, whos thumb are you under now?
Posted by timeforchange08 on April 10, 2008
We need to take that 80% and distribute it out to those who are having a hard time and need to raise a family. Take that 80% and provide health care to everyone, not just the wealthy. The most anyone should be able to make is $50k. If you make more than that it needs to be given to those less fortunate. This is how communities work.
Posted by timeforchange08 on April 10, 2008 at 1:35 p.m. (Suggest removal)
For years we have had conservative republicans uphold this idea of capitalism. Look at where it has gotten us as a whole. There is a small group of rich people that hold 80% of the money and the rest of us have to fight for the other 20%. Talk about someone ruling with their thumb, look at the gas prices, whos thumb are you under now?
We need to take that 80% and distribute it out to those who are having a hard time and need to raise a family. Take that 80% and provide health care to everyone, not just the wealthy. The most anyone should be able to make is $50k. If you make more than that it needs to be given to those less fortunate. This is how communities work.
...................These comments alone concern me. Notice comments that say- THEY ARE THE ENEMY, and AFTER WE FORCE YOU. I'm afraid if we choose Obama, or Clinton, next our right to own guns will be gone after. Then, it will be apparent what is on the horizon. Congratulations to these two crazy liberals, you, unfortunately won nothing for having your comments posted on my blog. However, I do thank you for your insightfulness into your "progressive thinking." Now, I'm not saying McCain is the answer to all of our problems, but at least I somewhat trust him not to turn us into a socialist government within 6 months of taking office.
Posted by
Jason Z. Pennington
12:20 AM