Thursday, December 4, 2008

Investor (s) Needed

Alright, hell, I figured since this is my blog, I can promote myself on my own blog right? I hate to sound stupid, and I know some will skip right past this, but here is my dream. This is my idea for a business. This is what I want to do with my life. I want to be my own boss. I am so sick of sitting behind a desk, getting fatter and fatter, more and more disgruntled because the industrys that I choose end up in the tank. Don't get me wrong. I actually love the company that I work for. My family has done business with them for a long time, and I love the people I work with. Its just that there is no business right now. Mostly because the whore, the media, has destroyed it. listen, if you dont think that all that is going on around us was not somehow orchestrated, then you dont see the picture very clear. Anyways, enough of that. My following post will be an outline of my business venture.

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