I was sitting here "trying" to watch the debate between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton and I literally started yelling obscenities at the television on several occasions. I think I have finally figured out that I absolutely, vehemently disagree with all of either candidates policies. These people are idiots. These people being Clinton and Obama. I can't even stand it anymore. How can people think that things that they want to implement if they win the presidency would be good "change"? Listen, I don't care much for George Bush, and quite honestly, I am sick of the far right of the party. I am down the middle. I would say I am a moderate conservative when it comes to security, fiscal responsibilities, and social views. I am sitting here listening to all of the change talk, and I can say I dont want this change. They ask, are you better off than you were four years ago? I can say, yeah, absolutely I am. Things are shaky in the country and abroad, but I'm fine.
What got me insanely mad was when they started talking about Healthcare. Look, I know firsthand that our healthcare system is in shambles. Doctors dont care about patients, nurses are overworked, and therfore dont give caring, adequate care to patients, it is all about the money. There is no doubt that things need to be changed. But, Hillary wants to make it a mandate for EVERYONE to get health insurance. If you dont, then she is going to garnish your wages. Give me a break. That is socialism. If I dont want health insurance, then I have the right to refuse it. You cant FORCE anything on me. The democrats want MORE government. MORE TAXES. Do you realize, if we elect Barack OBama, we will have the largest tax INCREASE IN HISTORY? Are you kidding me? We already pay a shit ton of taxes, and it is ridiculous. I once had over 3,000 dollars taken out of my paycheck one month for taxes. No doubt some of that is going to lazy, drug dealer, P.O.S. people. Other parts of it are going to support ILLEGAL ALIENS who land in our emergency rooms. Im sick of it. Listen, you can take your healthcare plans, your taxes, your gun control, your cut and run and surrender in wars, and shove it up your ace. I can't accept it. But guess what. The sheep that follow these people will. They want change, and are willing to give up freedoms for that change. These people are Nuts.
I will tell you one thing. If someone comes to take my guns away, they will roll me away in an ambulance, probably dead. I tell you another thing. I dont want to, and I may not pay extra taxes if that is what happens. The IRS will throw me in jail I guess. Over 200 years ago, didnt a smart, brave group of people revolt against a government because of taxation without representation. Do you realize we pay the highest tax rates in the world, and yet our government debt is over a trillion dollars? Are you kidding me? People, you better read Obama's plans and policy stances instead of falling for his good speeches, good looks, and appeal. We better start questioning him about some things of substance, or else we are going straight back to the seventies. Wake up people.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Democrats=Socialist American
Posted by
Jason Z. Pennington
12:15 AM
Friday, February 15, 2008
My family
It is valentines day, and I guess I am feeling loving today. I just wanted to say, dont take your family, or your friends for granted. Love them. Appreciate them, spend time with them, praise them. Your family is the most important thing in your life. I love my mom, my grandma, my close cousins, my wife (especially) more than you could imagine. I am so proud of my mom. She has come so far, and is such a good mom it is unreal. My grandma has been resilient in the loss of my grandpa. I know she misses him very much, but she knows she will see him again one day, we all will. She has stayed strong, when I know it is nearly impossible because it has been for me on a daily basis. I would go through torture, starvation, dehydration, death, anything for my family, no questions asked. I love you all so much, and grandpa, I know you know too. You are my guardian angel now and I know you are watching down proudly on all of us right now. We will see you heaven!
I also couldnt be blessed with better friends. I could probably write a whole page of my friends that are very important to me. Matt Werner, Jake lampert, Whitney Nuekam, Chris Crowley, Greg Cissell, Dave Franklin, Pat Pittman, Dave Ernspiger, Brent Epley, Scott Jones, Rick Tenbarge, Mike Gelarden, John Stewart, Peter Jochim, Kyle Werner, Scott Riley, Aaron Vaal, I could go on and on. You guys are the bomb. Great friends for sure. I look forward to the future and all the good times we will have! Holla!
Posted by
Jason Z. Pennington
1:17 AM
Get your Heads out of the sand, or your ace if that is where it is
I want you to do something before you vote, if Barack Obama is the democratic nominee. If you are an independent, don't try to do the "cool" thing and vote for Barack until you read up on this guy's policies. While I would love to see Hillary get spanked, What we get with Barack is even more liberal than Billary. After hearing about the bill he helped sponsored to commit us to basically pay a UN tax for the Global poverty outreach program (we would be required to spend 800 billion dollars + to the shady UN, we have seen how the take charity money "and put it to work") I just about sharted myself on my couch, threw a bottle at my tv, and then asked my dogs how americans can be so snowed, and allow themselves to be snowed. My question is this? Where are we going to get that money? China right? Screw that. They already own us, and look to be building up their military so they can call our debt one day, and then go to war with us. No seriously, this is outrageous. This after he just got done saying we need to pull out of iraq and stop spending billions over there on a failed state (which I agree with) and spend that money on the american people. For education, poor americans, etc. That is a great idea barack, but you just lied through your teeth. You want to support the world, and get us more in bed with the UN apparently, so that we can move closer to the one world government and give up our sovereignty. He is just like every other politician. He wants to spend more than hillary with his "plans, and ideas" that the US cant afford. They are saying all this stuff, when our economy is in shambles right now. Which now, I am going to go off on a tangent.
Bernanke said today that the fed would lower rates again if need be, and that the economy is worse off than thought basically. Are these people idiots? We cant keep putting a band aid on a severed artery. Eventually, it is going to bleed out and die. We can take our medicine now, batten down the hatches for a short period, and get through this mess, or we can just keep delaying the inevitable. Im no economist. But I did sleep at a holiday inn express last night. Common sense seems to be absent in all of Washington, and it scares the bejeepers out of me.
So back to my main point. Dont get sucked into all this hope b.s. Please. America is, can, and will be the greatest company in the world, but until we get these idiots out of office, and get some people that are there FOR the people, we are going to continue to head down the wrong road. Obama is just like every other politician, republican, democrat, etc. They will say what you want to hear, promise you fairy tales, and then when they get elected, they stab you in the back as always. Wake the hell up people. On both sides of the aisle. Your country is being taken from you, the people.
Posted by
Jason Z. Pennington
1:00 AM
Monday, February 11, 2008
The Amazing Race
I tell you what. It is pretty cool it see what is going down with the presidential race right now. Mitt Romney bowed out last week kind of surprisingly, and Billary seems to be losing her grip. She is on a big losing streak, and Barak seems to be poised to get the delegates needed to secure the nomination (I hope!) It would so awesome to see Hillary get her ace handed to her. She came into this thing like she was entitled (democrats think everyone is entitled to things) to the nomination. My how things change. She just dumped 5 million into her own campaign to stay in the black. I love it. I have no problem with Barak Obama getting the nod, or even becoming president. I don't agree with ANY of his policies. However, he would be a president that i think would really unite the country. Hopefully he could hire enough people on his staff to do the presidential stuff, because Im not sure he has a clue. One thing that surprises me though is that the huckster (mike huckabee) is still in the race. Who know, maybe he is hoping for a nod for vice president, or maybe he is just crazy enough to think that he can get what basically equates to 85% of the vote from here on out to win the nomination. Now that would be a miracle, but you never know, I hear he is in pretty good with the guy upstairs. He may be able to pull it off!
Now, I was going to dedicate a seperate post to this, but Ill just lump it in with this. Glenn Beck really pissed me off. If you have read any of my previous posts, you will see that I was pretty into the Glenn Beck show. Tonight was the first night I have watched his show in nearly two weeks. I just couldnt take his pandering to mitt romney anymore, and his incessant critisism of John McCain. It was so apparent that he was for romney from the get go, and when McCain started going after him, he didnt like it. Why? Because he is a Mormon, and so is Beck. I am getting sick of these conservative commentators like glenn beck, sean hannity, ann coulter, and rush limbaugh just lambasting John McCain like they have. I am giving up the secret of who I will vote for right here. That is right. McCain. You know why? Because he will work with the other party. He will work with the democrats, and isnt that the ultimate goal? To agree on things, so that the people that they represent (thought it seems that they have forgotten how they got there already) can get the things they want and need. I didnt agree with some of his immigration policies, or the campaign finance reform. However, he showed that he isnt so blind that he will only work with republicans. I more and more think about dropping my status as a registered republican because I am sick of all the partisan politics. All these idiots in congress do is argue against each other and try to promote themselves and their party to the front. All you hear is how the democrats have to win the white house. What if ALL of congress, all of senate, and the president were democrats, or republicans. It would suck! This is a democracy. A place for different view points and different ideas. I dont want to be forced into liberal thinking, but I also dont want to be forced into the ultra conservative side of things either. There are left wing liberal nutjobs, and right wing conservative nut jobs.
I saw Ann coulter on Hannity and Colmes saying that she would vote for Hillary Clinton over John McCain. WHAT? I nearly jumped out of my seat. I couldnt believe it. The reason she would do this is because she says the republicans need to hit bottom and revert back to the conservative ideology that it was founded on and known for. Life is about progressing, and evolving. The republican party is moving more to the center. That is what the american population is doing. It is reflective of what is going on. Glenn Beck said the same thing today. They think that if the democrats win in November, then 4 years from now everyone will be fed up with them, and then a republican will win the presidential election. This is destructive to the ideology and the party that they are talking about.
I think McCain is the right candidate for the republicans. He actually is conservative if you look at his record. He is a hawk when it comes to the military. He has a strong anti abortion voting record. He is fiscally responsible, he is against pork barrel spending. They just dont like that he will work with the other party. That is their problem with him......Which to me is absolutely destructive to the american political system, and even more damaging to the people they are supposed to be representing.
Posted by
Jason Z. Pennington
11:38 PM
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
The problem with Democrats.
This is not going to have any links for you to read. Any articles for you to peruse. This is totally observational on my part, and it is time that I wrote it. Those of you who it pisses off, I'm apologizing in advance.
I was sitting here watching Hannity and Colmes tonight, and something jumped out at me. First of all, they have this frank luntz guy, who does these focus groups and they have this meter they use that measures voters responses to candidates. Well, either I am missing when he has the republicans on there, or he JUST has democrats on there all the time. Every time, I see the same damn thing with these people. They flip flop their support all the time. The problem is, they aren't choosing on the issues, they are choosing on one of 3 things. 1) They hate bush and don't care as long as it is a democrat. 2) They want whoever is electable over the republicans. 3) they like who is popular. No issues. Sean Hannity had Luntz ask the people in the focus group to name ONE accomplishment of either Barak Obama, or Hillary Clinton. Not ONE person could name ONE accomplishment. They didn't have a clue. One idiot said, "he is a good orator!", yeah buddy, that is opinion, not accomplishment. Another said, "Obama is likable!", are you kidding me? There was one fat red headed guy with a long sleeve yellow shirt with his legs spread wide open and had on some shorty shorts that made him look like he wasnt wearing pants. I almost barfed. These people were ALL verifiable morons. Every one of these groups that I have seen, the people don't even know what they are talking about. They are just there acting like they care about the issues. It seems to me that a lot of the voters who are "democrats" have these qualities that jump out to me when I hear them comment and speak about their candidates:
*They are filled with hate for Bush and the Republican Party (yet their democratically controlled congress has lower approval ratings than President Bush)
*They blame everyone else but themselves for problems.
*They always want to "give" people things. They push for "entitlement" for the welfare nation, and minorities. (Whatever happened to the "pursuit" of happiness, you can't just be given it)
*They are all about "choice" and political correctdness, yet whenever someone so much as talks about christianity, abortion, or the military, they yell and scream like sissy's.
*The one's that I have heard talk, give speeches, etc, seem to me to be very weak in character and disingenuous.
Now, you can jump me all you want, but another thing that my grandpa always pointed out to me locally was the number of catholics that vote democratically. One reason for this is because the democrats are supposed to be for the "working, blue collar" american, yet how can you agree with the democrats position on abortion if you are a catholic, or evangelical christian? Even the pope admonishes abortion as a sin, so according to the infalliable pope, if you vote for a democrat, then you are sinning because you are voting for abortion. I just want the answer to some of these things.
I believe there are crazys on both sides of the aisle. There are people that are left wing liberal nutjobs, and there are people who are right wing conservative nut jobs. I fall somewhere in the middle. I would call myself someone who has common sense, and can make decisions on my own, instead of following the sheep on the far right, or the snakes on the far left. Hopefully you can make your own decisions as well instead of falling victim to the hype on both sides.
Posted by
Jason Z. Pennington
12:10 AM