I tell you what. It is pretty cool it see what is going down with the presidential race right now. Mitt Romney bowed out last week kind of surprisingly, and Billary seems to be losing her grip. She is on a big losing streak, and Barak seems to be poised to get the delegates needed to secure the nomination (I hope!) It would so awesome to see Hillary get her ace handed to her. She came into this thing like she was entitled (democrats think everyone is entitled to things) to the nomination. My how things change. She just dumped 5 million into her own campaign to stay in the black. I love it. I have no problem with Barak Obama getting the nod, or even becoming president. I don't agree with ANY of his policies. However, he would be a president that i think would really unite the country. Hopefully he could hire enough people on his staff to do the presidential stuff, because Im not sure he has a clue. One thing that surprises me though is that the huckster (mike huckabee) is still in the race. Who know, maybe he is hoping for a nod for vice president, or maybe he is just crazy enough to think that he can get what basically equates to 85% of the vote from here on out to win the nomination. Now that would be a miracle, but you never know, I hear he is in pretty good with the guy upstairs. He may be able to pull it off!
Now, I was going to dedicate a seperate post to this, but Ill just lump it in with this. Glenn Beck really pissed me off. If you have read any of my previous posts, you will see that I was pretty into the Glenn Beck show. Tonight was the first night I have watched his show in nearly two weeks. I just couldnt take his pandering to mitt romney anymore, and his incessant critisism of John McCain. It was so apparent that he was for romney from the get go, and when McCain started going after him, he didnt like it. Why? Because he is a Mormon, and so is Beck. I am getting sick of these conservative commentators like glenn beck, sean hannity, ann coulter, and rush limbaugh just lambasting John McCain like they have. I am giving up the secret of who I will vote for right here. That is right. McCain. You know why? Because he will work with the other party. He will work with the democrats, and isnt that the ultimate goal? To agree on things, so that the people that they represent (thought it seems that they have forgotten how they got there already) can get the things they want and need. I didnt agree with some of his immigration policies, or the campaign finance reform. However, he showed that he isnt so blind that he will only work with republicans. I more and more think about dropping my status as a registered republican because I am sick of all the partisan politics. All these idiots in congress do is argue against each other and try to promote themselves and their party to the front. All you hear is how the democrats have to win the white house. What if ALL of congress, all of senate, and the president were democrats, or republicans. It would suck! This is a democracy. A place for different view points and different ideas. I dont want to be forced into liberal thinking, but I also dont want to be forced into the ultra conservative side of things either. There are left wing liberal nutjobs, and right wing conservative nut jobs.
I saw Ann coulter on Hannity and Colmes saying that she would vote for Hillary Clinton over John McCain. WHAT? I nearly jumped out of my seat. I couldnt believe it. The reason she would do this is because she says the republicans need to hit bottom and revert back to the conservative ideology that it was founded on and known for. Life is about progressing, and evolving. The republican party is moving more to the center. That is what the american population is doing. It is reflective of what is going on. Glenn Beck said the same thing today. They think that if the democrats win in November, then 4 years from now everyone will be fed up with them, and then a republican will win the presidential election. This is destructive to the ideology and the party that they are talking about.
I think McCain is the right candidate for the republicans. He actually is conservative if you look at his record. He is a hawk when it comes to the military. He has a strong anti abortion voting record. He is fiscally responsible, he is against pork barrel spending. They just dont like that he will work with the other party. That is their problem with him......Which to me is absolutely destructive to the american political system, and even more damaging to the people they are supposed to be representing.
Monday, February 11, 2008
The Amazing Race
Posted by Jason Z. Pennington at 11:38 PM
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