Monday, November 26, 2007

Unbelievable Locals

Good grief! I am worn out. I just got done arguing with some people on our local newspapers website. One story was about 3 low lifes who were driving around shooting people with paintball guns. The other was a editorial by some Left Wing liberal. I have no problem with liberal people. I have a little liberalism in me myself..........Okay, that is a joke. My problem if any that I have with them is how it seems that they believe that only their views and opinions are the right ones. Every one that I have encountered on blogs, comment boards, etc, have attacked me for offering a different point of view. I have been called delusional, a moron, and idiot, a neocon, gosh, the names go on and on. However, for the most part, I have contained myself and not stooped to name calling back at them. It sure is hard. Right now, all I see the left wing media, and left wing democrats doing is attacking President Bush on everything that he does. It is a wonder why this country is so divided right now. I think if people could all get together with their different views and opinions, and put things together, this would be a much better country.

The people who were defending their friends who shot at the people with paintball guns (nearly shooting one's eye out) just totally dumbfounded me. One seemed to be one of the men in custody's girlfriend. I just wonder if she is so blind to think that a guy like this, is the kind of guy that she should be with. The guy has previous convictions for battery and has served jail time before. Chances are, he will be battering her in the near future as well. She probably thinks that I don't care what happens to her. I dont care what happens to her boyfriend or whatever, but I do pray that she doesn't end up a victim of domestic abuse, or even worse, dead. Sweetie, if you are reading this right now, I hope that you can peel yourself away from this guy for your own sake.


Anonymous said...

My conservative friends and I just hope that George W would just keep his mouth shut and quit acting like a cowboy and try to get some domestic agendas accomplished before the country is forced to vote for anyone but a Republican like what happened with G.H.W Bush.

-Atlanta, GA

Jason Z. Pennington said...

anonymous, Very good insight. As you can tell, i lean towards the conservative side of things. I agree, but at the same time, we really dont have a choice but to support him for the short time that he has left, and then do our best to forget the bad things that he did. Thank you very much for the comment!