Who really cares anymore? We better start caring. We had better start voting as a whole country, instead of a quarter of a million people in each state choosing who the presidential candidates for the whole nation are going to be. It's unbelievable. I am guilty of it just like everyone else. I don't vote all the time. I vote in the national elections, but I didn't vote locally here this year. I am just bitter as all get out at the candidates on both sides of the aisle. I really can't say that I want any of them to be president. About the only one I wouldn't mind seeing would be John McCain. I don't agree with all of his views, but he would be the most experienced person to do the job. I got all excited when Fred Thompson threw his hat in the ring, but the guy is too lazy to get anything done it seems. I hope he proves me wrong, because I think he would be great, but come on Fred, you are lagging behind against candidates that are not even near the bar. On the democratic side, I wouldn't be opposed to seeing Obama win, but he is too inexperienced, too green. As long as it's not Hillary, I guess I don't mind too much. I don't think our country can take having Bush I, Clinton I, Bush II, and then Clinton II. What would happen after Hillary was done, would Chelsea run for office? Lord I hope not. We need to end these political family dynasties and get some fresh meat in there!
Saturday, December 29, 2007
R.I.P. Benazir Bhutto
So, the imminent happened last week. Benazir Bhutto was assasinated. Anyone who didn't see this coming had to have had blinders on. She had so many enemies that there was no way that she could make a successful return to politics in Pakistan. What an interesting woman though. She had twice been prime minister before. Both times being ousted. I do think that she genuinely wanted to lead her country to democracy though. I think that she was true to her cause. Obviously, because she died for it. Now Pakistan seems to be on the edge of civil war possibly. I think we coddle Pakistan too much. Just because Musharraf agreed to be Bush's ally in the Mideast in the fight against terrorism doesn't mean that he really is our ally. The guy didn't really have a choice. Richard Armitage (former deputy sec of state) basically told him, join us, or we will bomb you back to the stone age...
So what is going to happen? The big problem here is obviously, they have NUKES! They also have a high concentration of taliban and al qaeda living on the borders, and actually right out in the open in the city of quetta. Islamabad is also a hotspot it seems. I suppose we WANT Musharraf in power, because even if he is a snake, he will bend to the will of the U.S., but he is definately playing us. I saw a shot last night on CNN special investigations about how corrupt the Pakistani government really is, and how in bed they are with the terrorists groups. They basically look the other way. Well, I guess we will see what happens. The Iran thing seems to have cooled down a bit since the release of the NIE report a few weeks ago, so now I guess we watch and wait.
It does still amaze me though, that in parts of this world, in the 20th century, there are women being oppressed, people killed for their beliefs, torture, religous intolerance (more evident than ever right here in the USA), child porn, sexual assaults, etc. All this bad stuff going on, and why? I thought we were a more civilized people than this, but we apparently are not. Like it or not, War and violence will always end up being the answer to arguements between countries, that is just the way of the world. Until this Earth is Burned to ashes and everyone is judged, we will just have to try to make it a better place to live in step by step. We have come a long way, but it seems we are sliding a bit recently. Lets try to reverse that. It starts with you and me. R.I.P Benazir Bhutto.
Posted by
Jason Z. Pennington
8:15 PM
Friday, December 21, 2007
John McCain?
I saw a pleasent surprise today when I was watching the news this evening. It looks like John McCain is gaining some steam in the Presidential campaign. I was worried he had all but been written off. I have to be honest, I am glad to see the race so wide open. If you will remember from a previous post, I had stated that I thought on both sides, all the candidates were a bunch of posers. I still think that, but I am interested in seeing who ends up emerging on both sides. I'm not anti democrat, and I'm not pro republican, though I probably vote more republican than anything. I don't like that democrats always raise taxes, and seem to believe in entitlement. I heard John Edwards say today that if he were president, he would work towards every american having the same oppurtunites that he has had in his life to be successful and become a rich, pretty, 400 dollar haircut getting terd burgler. Am I missing something? EVERYONE ALREADY HAS THAT OPPURTUNITY. Even the poor kid living in project housing. It is what you make of yourself. It takes effort. I feel like the democrats want to just give everyone something that others have had to work very hard at. I already give money up every paycheck for welfare, social security, healthcare, you name it. Chances are, I will never use a dime of what I have put in because our government programs are so screwed up that if social security and medicaid dont go bankrupt, it will be a miracle.
Back to my point. I am sorry I get sidetracked so easily. I do believe that John McCain would make a good president. I think he really is a good man. I think he has some liberal tendencies, but all in all, he is a good republican (except for his proposed amnesty bill this year). Mr. McCain sure has sacrificed a lot for his country. Being a POW and the torture he endured for years, I coud not imagine, nor do I want to. He is a stand up guy. Level headed, yet you can tell that he won't be backed in a corner by anyone. My biggest concern about a democrat being elected is my real fear that our security of our country will crumble. With McCain, I believe that he would not jump us into a war that we do not need to be involved in because he has been through the horrors of war, but at the same time, if something did happen, and a response was needed, he would do it right. I would feel secure with him being president. When it all comes down to it, that is what is important right? I hope that John McCain would somehow come out as the nominee. I would be all for that. It looks like it could happen as it seems huckabee may have peaked already, and guiliani is having a meltdown for some reason. Now, we just have to hope that Mitt Romney has a meltdown. It isn't because he is mormon, it is because he is fake. Everything about Mitt is made up. He is just a little too good looking, a little too agreeable, and seems to be willing to say about anything to get into office. We don't need a Republican Candidate that is the same type of person as the dreaded Hillary Clinton. Please lord no.
Posted by
Jason Z. Pennington
1:20 AM
WHAT? Jamie Lynne Spears is Preggo? No way?
Well, for some, I'm sure the news was shocking. I'm sure it was unbelievable. How could this be? Mike Huckabee was even asked his opinion about it today on the campaign trail. I liked his response, but who was the IDIOT who asked him that question? With all the problems our nation faces abroad, and here at home, economical, political, and social, this moron reporter asked Mike Huckabee what he thought about Jamie spears being pregnant. I gotta be brutally honest here. Who gives 2 spits about it? This just goes to show how rediculous our country has gotten with their worship of celebrities.
Do I feel sorry for her? Yes. She didn't have a chance to not be a screw up. Look at her sister Britney. She is a verifiable idiot herself. What struck me as simply unbelievable was her mom, Lynne Spears was set to release a book about parenting. Give me a break. Obviously you did a bang up job with the other one their Lynne. She has two kids that she doesnt even want to take care of, and makes K-Fed look like superdad. We wonder why our young people are so screwed up. Teenagers and Middle Schoolers shooting up their schools, having sex with each other, disrespecting elders. If you live in a big city, and don't have the option of private school, your chances your kid are going to be a criminal are probably about 60/40 odds that they will be. I guess I have to applaud Jamie for one thing. She is going to have the baby. At least she isn't going to kill the baby because she made a big mistake. I'm not a proponent of abortion, except if it is in the case of incest, rape, or the mothers life is in danger. So, Jamie, I'm glad you are at least going to try to take some responsibility and accountability for your actions. Just please don't treat your kids like your sister does. Please. And please try to keep your pants on until you marry this guy (which will no doubt end in divorce shortly after).
Posted by
Jason Z. Pennington
1:09 AM
Monday, December 17, 2007
The Top 5 Gas Stations to Buy Gizzards at!
Okay, so the redneck hillbilly is really going to come out in this post. My wife makes fun of me because I go to the gas station so much. But, the gas station has everything you need. Okay, let me clarify. Convenience stores. That is what they are called right? Her whole family always makes fun of me about it, and before I started to try to eat better, I would get food all the time at the gas station. You know, the real greasy pizza, pizza pockets, egg rolls, cheese sticks, hot dogs, and best of all, Chicken Gizzards. Yes, Chicken Gizzards. The sweet, chewy, fried food of the Gods. Gizzards are like a delicacy in the rural areas of southern Indiana. If you are from New York, or L.A., you are probably saying, "What the heck are chicken gizzards?" Well, my city slicker friend, they are the chewy goodness of the chicken. They are normally fried, but you can buy like a pound of them for 99 cents at the grocery store and do whatever you would like with them. Some people fry them, but if you buy them from the store, you should go and catfish with them. They are good, like chicken livers are, for catching catfish. But the secret of it is, you have to leave them out in the sun for a while and let them start stinking. The smell might kill you, but if you can stand it, and you can stand putting them on a hook, then you may catch a big old catfish. Then you dont have to eat the gizzards, you can fry up some fiddler filets! So, I thought I would make this list for my fellow southern indiana, and other rednecks in other states that enjoy gizzard goodness. I am well educated on the gas stations in a two hour radius of Evansville, so this should be a great list. If you have a place that you think trumps these, please comment and let me know and I will go check it out!
5) Marathon Gas station in Ferdinand, Indiana at the exit for I-64
4) Phillips 66 station in Tell City, Indiana as you come into town
3) Citgo Station as you come into Jasper from Ferdinand at the stop light on the right.
2) Phillips 66 station on highway 41 in Evansville just north of Mt. Pleasant Road
1) The Pantry in Winslow, Indiana. No one can beat their gizzards! Congratulations to you!
So there you go. No, I didn't write this because I could't think of anything better to write about. I wrote it because it is vital knowledge for my fellow gas station gizzard eating brethren to know. Enjoy!
Posted by
Jason Z. Pennington
10:19 PM
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Why the surge for Mike Huckabee?
I don't quite know what to make of what has happened in Iowa the last couple weeks. You had the two top dogs, with the most money sitting at the top, and then in comes a preacher from the same town as Bill Clinton, and he is sitting on top. What can we contribute his rise to? I would say the fact that the conservative right is pining for someone who they can support. I admittedly and ingnorantly dont know a whole lot about the huckster. He seems very eloquent when he speaks. He uses humor a lot. He cites his faith without fear. I like that. However, Im not sure who he really is? I guess we will see. Please let me know what you, the reader think of him and leave me some comments. Do you think it is even possible that he could win the nomination, or is this just a phenomenal short term spike in his popularity that wont carry him long term through the other states?
Posted by
Jason Z. Pennington
11:52 PM
Dixon Pennington
I have been meaning to write this post for a while now. Now I have even more reason. My wife's grandfather just passed away this week. I didn't know him really at all, but I share in her pain. When you lose a loved one, it is hard. Even if they have been sick for a long time, and it is for the better, your heart still longs for them. I lost my grandpa in July. He was my dad. I think I have said it on here before. I don't have much of a relationship with my dad. I never met him until I was 15 or 16. I won't bash him on here, I wish him the best. My dad, my father, was Dixon Pennington. He was the Man in my life. I was very fortunate to be raised by my mom, grandma, and grandpa. I had a good upbringing. I learned right from wrong (even though sometimes I still had to be a stupid kid and do bad things that got me in trouble). My grandpa always meant so much to me. I started this site kind of as a tribute to him, though I dont have it mentioned anywhere here on this site. My mother's side of the family's history is Amazing. Between her and my grandma's side, are some of the most amazing, interesting, smart, people I have ever known, and heard stories about. The Pennington family is especially intriguing to me. My grandpa joined the army at age 17 and fought in World War II. He was from humble beginnings. Lived on a small farm in Spencer County. His Dad was a strong willed, faithful man who fought in World War I. His father was Dixon Pennington (who my grandpa was named after) who seemed from what I have learned to be a very charismatic man himself. One important politcal figure in the Pennington Family was my great, great, great, Grandfather Dennis Pennington. He helped bring the state capitol to Indiana when Indiana became a state, and I believe, was the first speaker of the house in the Indiana Congress.
I will always have great memories of my grandpa. He was the most genuine person I have ever known besides my mom and grandma. He was just so kind hearted. He loved God and the lord, and was a great christian leader. Always involved with the church and knew the teaching of the bible very well. His faith always amazed me. He loved me so much. I knew it. Sometimes I would rebel when I was younger, and say things I shouldnt have that made him mad, and I wish to god I could take those things back. When he started his decline in health, I would always tell him it was just in his head, and that he was alright, but he wasnt. I feel terrible about that now. But the fact of the matter is that I was in denial. I couldnt imagine him not being around and I didnt want to face it. I think he knew he was my hero though, and I told him that when we found out that he may not pull through his sickness. I think that meant a lot to him. He is missed by so many, and it doesnt seem possible that it has already been five months since he passed. I wonder sometimes if he knows how much I miss him, and how much I wish he was here. I struggle every single day with it. I know he is in heaven with all of our loved ones who have passed on. I just wish that I could talk to him and hear his voice again. I talk to him everyday like he can hear me, and i think he can. I dream about him a lot and he tells me he is okay and he loves me. It gives me comfort in a sense, but makes me miss him that much more. But one thing is for sure, everything that he taught me did not fall on deaf ears. I am far from perfect, but I will always stand up for what is right, and I will always be a friend to anyone who needs it. I will always help someone out, and I will always have a good heart. I will always love like he did. I will always protect my family and do my best to take care of them. You can count on that. I am the man of the family now, and his were big shoes to fill, but I hope grandpa, that I am doing an alright job so far. Our bond will extend pass the grave, and we will be linked together in spirit through God and Jesus Christ. I look forward to seeing you again in the future, and know that a piece of me left when you left, but it was filled with your wisdom and guidance you taught me. I feel like a man now, and thank you for that. I miss you, and I love you. I'm sure Ill See you in my dreams soon : )
Posted by
Jason Z. Pennington
12:22 AM
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
What the heck was Isiah Thomas thinking?
God Bless this woman, and I feel bad for commenting like this, but she is rich now, so she can take it.
Isiah, I can't hardly believe the accusations against you. I mean, you can't be serious right? You are a half way decent lookin dude. You have money. You were a star NBA player. If you are going to get in trouble for sexual harrassment, then at least harrass someone who deserves it (and I am in no way condoning sexual harrassment at all). Is that a woman? For real? Did you tell her you thought she had "soft" features? Good god, she looks like she is one testosterone shot away from being a man. I mean, seriously, are we sure that is a woman? Good lord almighty. She can't be heterosexual anyways. Dear god, I am going to hell for writing this. Please forgive me. Maybe she can go to the plastic surgeon and get her jaw filed down now that she has all of Isiah's money. Isiah, you are an idiot. That is verifiable.
Posted by
Jason Z. Pennington
1:49 AM
NAFTA superhighway and National ID cards
Well, after listening to glenn beck talk about the bush administration quietly moving towards plans for a NAFTA superhighway, and being on a message board tonight where it was brought to my attention that the National ID cards that are being talked about are for everyone, I had to do some research. Here are some links highlighting the plans and the cons. I am going to comment first after the list on the one that is for the ID card, and then backtrack.
http://www.humanevents.com/article.php?id=15497 http://www.thenation.com/doc/20070827/hayes http://www.house.gov/paul/tst/tst2006/tst103006.htm http://www.eagleforum.org/column/2006/aug06/06-08-23.html http://www.news.com/National-ID-cards-on-the-way/2100-1028_3-5573414.html http://www.wired.com/science/discoveries/news/2007/03/72843 for it-
FOR ID CARDhttp://www.csmonitor.com/2002/0114/p11s1-coop.html
The last one is from the Christian Science Monitor, from 2002, and is an opinion article. Shame on you christian monitor. I am a christian for goodness sake, and I am saying this. I dont know what to think anymore. George Bush and his administration has alienated me so much on terrorism that I dont know what to think. I hate terrorists. That is the only time I will ever say that I hate someone. I hate muslim extremism. I hate it. This is the moral and ideological struggle of our day. We have liberals in the background saying, "oh, just talk to them, just negotiate with them, and they will leave us alone!" No they flippin' won't. Wake up. There are the likes of the president of Iran, (I wont do him justice by writing his name out) that are calling for the destruction of Israel, Osama Bin Laden who openly promotes the killing of western culture and Americans, hizbollah, and hamas, all of these groups are out for one thing. The downfall of us. I wrote the other night that I was fed up with Bush. I am. Im not saying that we should STOP the war on terrorism, but we need to reevaluate what we are doing. A national ID card is not going to help anything but give the government more ways to watch us. The law abiding citizen. We dont need more government. I really think that our rights are eroding before our eyes. Before we know it, we will see our freedom of speech under attack (which already is by the politically correct movement....I spit in your general direction), next they will start trying to take our guns away (which in a lot of places is starting to happen). I have stayed away from commenting on Global Warming because it is such a sensitive subject, but I'm sick of hearing the likes of Al Gore forcing it down my throats while his hypocritical ace is flying in his private jet all over the world to meet with the other hypocrites to have a summit in Bali (why didn't you have it in Illinois Mr. Gore?) to discuss global warming. You just pumped a shit ton of CO2 into the air flying all these people to this summit and Im damn sure you werent riding in hybrid jets. Soon, they will tell us we can breathe because the CO2 is going to "warm" the planet. I saw a news piece on CNN of all places talking about where they found reserach thermomters for the tracking of global warming at. You wouldn't believe this stuff. These idiots want us to believe their information when their monitoring equipment is located in places that are hotter than normal. Look at this article, and this isnt right wing propaganda against global warming-
I just dont trust all the information because god knows everyday you run into someone who has an "easy" job that can't even do it correctly, whose to say that these scientists aren't in the pocket of the left, or that they are totally wrong? I guess we will see what happens the next 20 years.
I got so riled up about all that that I forgot to write about the superhighway, but we can tackle that tomorrow.
Posted by
Jason Z. Pennington
1:21 AM
Monday, December 10, 2007
The 3 degree Guarantee!
I am very seriously considering going back to school to become a television weatherman. I could do it. I wake up every morning, and do basically the job that they do. I can usually tell what the temp is going to be, and if it is going to rain or not. I was watching this local weatherwoman, (can't remember her name) and on this certain station they have what is called the 3 degree guarantee. Well, she missed it by about 11 degrees today. Good job, apparently, you missed the class in grade school about estimating.
I can remember when I was growing up and looking at the paper to see what the weather was going to be before going off to school. I usually had some kind of sports practice after school, so i wanted to see what type of weather we would have, and whether we would be outside, and if it was going to be hot, cold, rainy, snowy, etc. I remember the paper being pretty accurate. Now, they don't even put what they exact temperature is going to be. They put something like this:
Sunny, with some clouds, chance of rain, high of 70-75 degrees. What a bunch of crap! Even the television forecast is like that. Hell, I could get up in the morning, wake up, and say, hmmm, today it looks like it is going to be 50-55 degrees. Looks like it might be sunny today, could be partly cloudy, and there is a 50/50 chance we will have some type of precipitation today, rain, snow, freezing rain, I'm not sure, but it could happen. Give me a break! The damn storm spotters are more accurate than our meteorologists around here. It is unbelievable! All I can say is, Ron Rhodes, look out buddy.
Posted by
Jason Z. Pennington
1:21 AM
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Hey everyone! Hope you all had a great weekend. My buddy Scott started up a blog. Go check it out, there is a link at the bottom of the page for it. His blog address is tellinglikeitis.blogspot.com!
Posted by
Jason Z. Pennington
5:35 PM
Friday, December 7, 2007
The Poll has Spoken!
To my friend Scott-
Well, the Nascar Poll has spoken. Jeff Gordon isn't the best Nascar Driver. Jimmy Johnson is. While I don't like that outcome, the people have spoken. Too bad. Well, for you, when more traffic starts coming to my site, I will conduct the same poll again and see what happens for the sake of scientific research. I know, I know, June-Ya ain't in the top 5 in your opinion, but give him 2 years and he WILL have his championship!
Posted by
Jason Z. Pennington
12:59 AM
Is Barry Bonds Done For?
Say it ain't so Barry. Wait, you have been saying that for a while now haven't you? And to think, I defended you over and over. I used to be able to hit a baseball with a lot of skill. I am a big, strong guy. I have never done steroids. I figured that people were giving Barry a bad rap just because he was a physical specimen, and people were jealous. Steroids don't make you a better hitter, and they don't directly cause you to hit home runs. I still believe that. That was my arguement. I wanted to latch on to the fairy tale that a guy that otherwise would be considered over the hill, could shock everyone and have a prolific five year span the likes of which had never been seen by a man his age. He had his most productive seasons from age 35-40. Amazing! Apparenlty, too amazing. Barry, I am not defending you anymore. You don't deserve the homerun crown, or the single season HR record. You betrayed me and all of your fans who stuck up for you. Thanks a lot you big headed (literally) liar. Enjoy your retirement!
Posted by
Jason Z. Pennington
12:46 AM
Teen Prenancy Rate goes UP
hmmmmm, lets see here. How flippin stupid is this article. I can answer that question for ya. And they are implying that abstinence education isnt working............Well, guess what, even if you wear a condom, you can still get pregnant. It isnt that abstinence isnt working, it is that more teenagers are having sex, and not being safe about it. Another contributing factor........The decline of moral values in our youth. We have kids that watch movies and listen to Hip Hop, and Pop music, and they take it literally. They act like the artists who sing about having threesomes, humping everything they see with no regrets, talking about T and A, and how they want to hump, hump, hump. There is a difference in me, or an adult with common sense listening to this junk and a teenager listening to it. The teenagers dont have anyone at home telling them the difference between right and wrong anymore. Parents arent involved like they used to be. Why? Because they dont want the responsibility, they would rather sit them in front of the TV or internet and let them do whatever they want, watch what they want, and look at what they want. Wake the hell up parents. The kids that are about to be adults soon, and didnt have parents involved in their lives like they should have are going to do things the likes this country has never seen (and not good things). It will be interesting. We can place the blame on their parents for being lazy and not being active in their lives. Thanks a lot. Now we are going to have to deal with them, and the rest of the little criminals that will be coming up here in the next ten to fifteen years. Im sure prenancy in teens will continue to rise as well. Oh well, dont say I didnt tell ya so!
Posted by
Jason Z. Pennington
12:25 AM
Bush's Credibility
George, even Foxnews is calling you out now. Wow. I was surprised to this article on foxnews, but figured I would see something like it after writing about it last night.
Posted by
Jason Z. Pennington
12:21 AM
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
I think I'm through with Bush
I never really thought that I would be writing this. I really didn't. I have always believed in the american system of government. Always supported the President. No matter what. I loved Ronald Reagan, George Bush I, Bill Clinton, and then George II. But, after the last 2 years, everything that has happened in the Bush Administration has finally taken its toll on me. I cant look the other way anymore. I can name a few things that I think have led me to this view I now have, but the one in the above article put me over the edge. Bush has beat the drum of war his entire presidency. There are many to blame for 9-11. The terrorists, the clinton administration, bush's inaction when he took over, not taking it seriously, etc. I have always supported Bush and Cheney. Even drove around proudly with their bumper sticker on my truck for months on end, and laughed at people who still had their gore stickers, and kerry stickers. Now, maybe they should laugh at me. Look at what is going on in this country. We are more divided than ever before. We have stuff going on that no one knows about, we have stuff going on that nobody wants going on. We have destroyed our credibility in the world because we have decided to become Team America, World Police. We were right for going into afghanistan. But why the hell didnt we focus on that, and finish the job. Saddam Hussein has never been a threat to the United States. Never. He may have wanted to be, but where are the weapons of mass destruction, right? We got so sidetracked with hussein, that we forgot about afghanistan, and now things are starting to crumble there as well. We are facing a resurgent taliban there and renewed violence. Our military is stretched so thin right now, that if something happened here at home again, an attack, or a natural disaster, we are screwed. I mean look at how bad the government screwed up when katrina hit. But that does go all the way down to the local level. But the point is this,
Iran. Bush has been beating the war drum on them for quite some time. At first, when it started, I thought with good reason, but who really thinks that we need to be sabre rattling right now? Look at how much respect we have lost in the world right now. Why make it worse. Why constantly threaten people? I am not saying that the regime in Iran is not bad. I think it is terrible. The little monkey president over there does a lot of talking himself, but that is just it, he is talking. So they suspended their weapons program back in '03. That is fantastic news. Thank god the intelligence community didnt screw this one up (or did they) That is another valid question. But here is Bush, up there today backing up his rhetoric against Iran. Here it is, plain and simple. Iran is like a short guy with big man syndrome. I know a few of those. They may be enriching uranium, but we just need to keep an eye on them, and trust our intelligence. Also, we dont always have to be making public threats against them. Why not use our covert ops when we need to, and not broadcast it to everyone that hates us. I just dont understand it.
I am not liberal. I am far from it. I dont vote a straight ticket at the polls, I vote for the best candidate. I have voted for democrats many times. Locally, nationally, etc. I am conservative, but that doesnt mean that I am deadset on a republican becoming president next year. They are corrupt on both sides. We need to throw them all out, and start over. Fresh. One thing I search for is the truth. One thing I want is the truth. One thing I believe I deserve in life is the truth. We arent getting it from Bush and his cronies, and we arent getting it from anyone in washington anymore as far as Im concerned. Being in Politics runs in my family. It may get reborn with me sometime in the future.
Posted by
Jason Z. Pennington
11:37 PM
Labels: democrats, lies, President Bush, republicans
Mortgage Bailout?
I wanted to post this tonight, and give my buddy Scott some props. I am trying to get him to start his own blog, but he is too cheap to upgrade from dial up to high speed internet. Anyways, buddy, I couldn't say it any better, so I thought your words put it exactly how I see it.
This might be a good subject on your blog. Unfortunately most people would probably agree with such cr@p since they don't know anything about the mtg industry. Let's see, I think we should give all people their $ back that they lost in the stock market, at the gambling boat, at the horse track, dog races, or any other action that they took that had any risk involved. Un-freakin'-believable. We should get our money back for all the lottery tickets that we have bought and not won on. This list could go on and on...... while we're at it, let's punish the people who were smart home purchasers and obtained fixed rates and send them a bill. If you think about it, since I have a fixed mtg, I am being penalized for my good decision, since I am paying 5% instead of 4% on an ARM I could have got and would continue to get under such a communist plan. Maybe I do need a blog and write about big brother and how the U.S. is becoming closer to a communist country every day.
Scott Jones
Posted by
Jason Z. Pennington
11:31 PM
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Alarming state of the Country Part II
This was one of the first posts I did. In it, I said I would come back with some facts. I apologize for the delay in doing so. When I do these posts, I try to find information from different sources. Sources that are conservative, and liberal alike. I dont want to present info from just one side, because Im not trying to MAKE you into a conservative. Im trying to make you aware, and make you think. I said I believe the country is heading for a major recession, or even depression. I mentioned that I think the government is not being forthcoming about the real state of the economy, or that they are hiding the fact that they know that there is a $hitstorm tsunami headed our way. Here are some enlightening (get it) articles for your enjoyment, and you make the decision for yourself.
Posted by
Jason Z. Pennington
1:07 AM
Thugs, baby daddy's, and whiteboy wannabe's
I just got done reading this article on courier and press. As always, I get sucked in and start reading the comments, and before I know it, I am so irately mad that I am posting my own comments. Here is the article, please read it before you go any further. However, do not read the comments, yet. http://www.courierpress.com/news/2007/dec/03/high/#comments
Ok, so you get the jist of the story. There is some "Gang" at Harrison High School here in Evansville called the East Side G's. I hate to break this down to black and white, because that really isnt what this is about, but lets break it down and call a spade a spade. I am guilty myself. I listened to a lot of rap music when I was younger. The difference was, I could listen to it, and not start acting like the idiots that were singing about it. I treated it like it was, entertainment, not a handbook on how society should act. You want to be a thug huh? You want to be a gangsta? You think you are so tough huh? You know who is tough? Guys like my brother in law Jay, who are in the Marines. Guys like my friend Scott who lives with a disability every day, and never complains about it. People like my grandpa who lived through the depression, and went off to World War II when he didnt have to, all his dad had to do was buy one more cow and they could have been considered a dairy farm. He went because his brother bob had a disability and couldnt pass the physical. People like these are my heroes. You are never going to be a hero to anyone beating a guy up and putting him in the hospital for talking a little trash. This guy may die. He has a brain hemmorage. How bad ass are you now? 15 vs 1. Give me a break. Just like that crap down south with the Jena 6. That is another topic for another post. If this guy dies, then all 15 should be charged with 1st degree murder, put in prison where they are headed anyways, and throw away the key. What was this over? Some words that were exchanged. Someone insulted? A girlfriend insulted or talked about. Was it deserving of being beaten nearly to death? God, what is this world coming to? Seriously?
That leads me to this. As much as people are fed up with organized religion because of scandal, failures of clergy, disillusionment, etc, we have moved farther away from God being a part of our society. I am conservative, yes. However, at the same time, I am not saying that I want a politician shoving god down my throat every day. That is not what I am saying. But if you look at our society the last 40-50 yrs and see what direction it has headed. Step back and ask why? It is because a lot of people dont have any morals anymore. People dont have a conscience about things anymore. It is all about pleasure. Sex is shoved down our throats, and down our childrens throats every day. Violence is everywhere you look on television. Drugs, alcohol, and adultery are celebrated on television. Yet, you speak the words God, Jesus, Bible, or Christianity, and you would think someone just yelled out the N word on a megaphone. It is rediculous.
Unfortunately the parents of these youngsters shoulder most of the blame. Their parents probably play no active role in their lives. Or they are afraid that their child will hate them if they try to lay down the law. I saw on the news the other day Massachusettes, i believe, is trying to pass a law banning spanking. Not spanking in schools, but spanking period. Here is the link to that story- http://www.thebostonchannel.com/news/14701492/detail.html
Are you kidding me? Please tell me you are kidding me. I am against beating your child, but sometimes spanking is the only way to get through to them. Sometimes no matter how many timeouts you give them (which is b.s., its the easy way out for the parent not to have to discipline their kid), or how many times you yell at them, it just isnt enough. You have to get your point across.
Unfortunately, our country is melting away into a cesspool of sex, drugs, violence, anti christianity, and unaccountability. It is very sad. I wonder what the founding fathers would think of us now...... Better yet, I wonder what our Father in Heaven thinks of us now?
Here are the two comments that I read that made blood shoot out of my eyes on courier press online-
Oh for gosh sakes, they already removed them, well, you will just have to imagine the stupidity that set me off! Fo' Shizzle my Nizzles, and all that stuff. Peace out!
Posted by
Jason Z. Pennington
12:15 AM
Monday, December 3, 2007
Celebrities...........Who needs them?
The most disgusting trend I see in the United States right now is celebrity worship. We think these people are the best thing since doritos, but why? They are pretty, they are charismatic, they are smart, they are saavy, they are RICH, and they make some good movies, music, etc. We watch these peoples lives on TV so much that we hang on their every action. They are hounded by photographers constantly, and they do really stupid things sometimes. Look at how obsessed people are with Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes. Britney and K-Fed, Rosie O'donnell, Ellen, Paris Hilton, etc. Gosh, I get so sick of seeing them everyday. Who cares? These people for the most part are trash. Look at Britney for example, she cant keep herself out of trouble for a week. She more than likely will be dead within the next year or so if she doesnt wake up and take some accountability for herself. Michael Vick. All I can say is how dumb can one person be?
Yet, parents are letting their children watch more and more inappropriate television and movies, and listening to the most disgusting music you could ever imagine, and we wonder why they emulate these celebrities. Parents now adays let the TV do the baby sitting, and we wonder why our kids are so screwed up in this country. Children dont understand the difference between fantasy and reality unforunately. We wonder why there are more school shootings and troulbe involving kids on a daily basis. I'm just trying to figure out what the big deal is about them. What makes me sick is the one's that bash bush all the time, and dont support our troops. They need to realize that if it werent for those troops fighting for us all, they wouldnt be able to enjoy the outrageous lifestyles that they uphold. Do something good for them and your country. Do a USO tour, talk about your appreciation for your troops. Go visit them in Iraq and afghanistan. You can sit around and bitch and moan all you want, but if you were not americans, you would not be as popular as you may be. Please be appreciative. That is all I want to see.
Posted by
Jason Z. Pennington
12:12 AM
Sunday, December 2, 2007
A Bunch of Posers
I have been sitting here for about an hour thinking about what to write about tonight. Not from Lack of topics or stories to write about, but just trying to think of things that struck me over the last 3 days or so. I watched the Youtube republican debate the other night on CNN. I have been watching both the democrats and the Republicans when I can. All I keep thinking is that these people are all a bunch of Posers. I'm not sure I am real comfortable with the thought of any of these candidates being president. You have, of course, the democratic front runner Hillary Clinton, with Barak Obama close behind. I guess if I had to pick the lesser of two evils, I would go with Obama. I definately don't want Hillary in office. I think it would be a terrible thing. Before you go saying, oh, you redneck, anti-woman bigot, hear me out. How about something new? We have had Bush I, then Bill Clinton, then Bush II, and if she wins, we will have Clinton II. Bill was a good president except for the fact he couldnt keep it in his pants. If he ran for president again, I would vote for him in a heartbeat over anyone out there (surprised to hear that huh?) Bill was shrewd. He was likable. He was respected in the world. However, he wouldnt back down from a fight. I like that. Hillary, in my view, stayed with Bill because she knew it would do her good in her hope to become a politician, and eventually president. I think that she is scripted, a robot, a fake. I think she will say and do whatever it takes to be president, good or bad. I get sick listening to her annoying voice. I get sick of hearing her ideas and policies. I am sick of her period. However, American voters may shoot themselves in the foot by voting against Bush. Most people right now are so fed up with the job that the current administration that they would vote for anyone who is a democrat. Im afraid this will get us in even more, possibly worse trouble.
Obama impresses me because he seems to be real. I dont get the sense that he is putting up a front. Even if his views are so far off from mine it burns me up inside, I do like that he is honest. And it might actually be great to get someone in there that doesnt have a lot of experience in washington. He is green for sure.
On the republican side, you have Mitt Romney and Rudy G out front. Mitt reminds me of a clone, plain and simple. I dont think you can trust him as far as you could throw him. He is just too scripted as well. Rudy G. is probably my choice overall right now. The bad thing with him though is that he is basically a democrat with a republican disguise on. But how could he not be after being Mayor of one of the most liberal, if not #1 most liberal city in the U.S. As long as he doesnt try to come after me and take my guns, we are cool.
The biggest flop has to be Fred Thompson. My gosh. I was all about Fred leading up to his announcement. He is conservative, he has experience, and i think he looks kind of like a president. But Fred, buddy, what happened. It seems like once he announced his candidacy he dropped off the face of the Earth. I dont understand it. Are all the comments about him being lazy true? I'm so disappointed. Maybe soon he will start turning it up, but right now he is getting killed, and i think if people knew more about him, they would really like him. Ill stop there, let me know about what you think about some of the candidates. I was looking at the poll about who is your favorite front runner and saw that all but one have voted democrat. Just remember, the congress has a lower approval rating that Mr. Bush does right now..........And Congress is controlled by a majority of............Democrats!
Posted by
Jason Z. Pennington
11:48 PM