Friday, December 7, 2007

Is Barry Bonds Done For?

Say it ain't so Barry. Wait, you have been saying that for a while now haven't you? And to think, I defended you over and over. I used to be able to hit a baseball with a lot of skill. I am a big, strong guy. I have never done steroids. I figured that people were giving Barry a bad rap just because he was a physical specimen, and people were jealous. Steroids don't make you a better hitter, and they don't directly cause you to hit home runs. I still believe that. That was my arguement. I wanted to latch on to the fairy tale that a guy that otherwise would be considered over the hill, could shock everyone and have a prolific five year span the likes of which had never been seen by a man his age. He had his most productive seasons from age 35-40. Amazing! Apparenlty, too amazing. Barry, I am not defending you anymore. You don't deserve the homerun crown, or the single season HR record. You betrayed me and all of your fans who stuck up for you. Thanks a lot you big headed (literally) liar. Enjoy your retirement!

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