Saturday, December 15, 2007

Why the surge for Mike Huckabee?

I don't quite know what to make of what has happened in Iowa the last couple weeks. You had the two top dogs, with the most money sitting at the top, and then in comes a preacher from the same town as Bill Clinton, and he is sitting on top. What can we contribute his rise to? I would say the fact that the conservative right is pining for someone who they can support. I admittedly and ingnorantly dont know a whole lot about the huckster. He seems very eloquent when he speaks. He uses humor a lot. He cites his faith without fear. I like that. However, Im not sure who he really is? I guess we will see. Please let me know what you, the reader think of him and leave me some comments. Do you think it is even possible that he could win the nomination, or is this just a phenomenal short term spike in his popularity that wont carry him long term through the other states?

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