Pennington Land Company
Specializing in the purchase of acreage suited for oil, gas, and coal exploration, and the harvest of mature timber.
My plan is to find land at a good price either listed for sale, for sale by owner, auctioned by the state, businesses, individuals, etc.
Once this land is found, I have a team put together that can preliminarily tell me whether or not it would be a wise choice to purchase based on the probability of there being oil, or other minerals, or a good stand of harvestable timber.
If there is a good chance for one or more of these possibilities happening, the property will be bought. Timber can be harvested fairly quickly and be paid out on. A private forrestor will be involved to insure top dollar for hardwoods, along with a logging company. A drilling company backed by investors will be involved with the oil process. A bonus payment will be paid to land owner (me)along with monthly lease and royalty payments. Timber is a lump sum payment.
If the land is only bought for timber purposes, more than likely I will sell it at a bit of a loss to unload it. That will all be factored in to profit scale of course, however, if it is in a good area and bought at a reasonable price I may either keep the land for recreational purposes (my goal is to own 1,000 acres by the time I am 40)or look to develop it for residential lots or commercial use. Of course if it is used for minerals, and as a bonus timber, then sale or retainment of the land would depend on the production of the property and lease terms with oil and or gas companies.
Overhead- Paying a private forrestor 100 dollars per consult to look at land. Gas to drive to look at and research properties. That is really about it, which is the good thing about this business, low overhead.
Employee involved in business- Myself. Down the road I may add one person to help to cover more properties to look at for possible purchase, but that would be way down the road.
What I need:
I need a person, or people that would be willing to invest in this company. I an amount of money in mind ($250,000) that I want to start with. This would enable me to get started quickly, get some land purchased, and start making an income off of them. Term wise on a loan I don't know. I will tell you up front that I do not want to be put in a situation where someone is expecting me to pay them a ton of money a month to where it would immediately cause me to fail within 6 months of starting and then have to claim bankruptcy. I am looking for someone, or a group of people that will loan me this money and be willing to be patient with me. Ideally it would be nice to not make a payment for 6 months to a year, and then look at the possibility of starting monthly payments with interest back to the investor, or maybe even lump sum installments depending on the success of the business. Of course I am open to listening to any ideas or advice. If you would like to help me out on this, or become my investor (s) please email me at or call me at 812-459-6924 to talk. Thank you for listening!
Jason Pennington
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Posted by
Jason Z. Pennington
6:10 PM
Investor (s) Needed
Alright, hell, I figured since this is my blog, I can promote myself on my own blog right? I hate to sound stupid, and I know some will skip right past this, but here is my dream. This is my idea for a business. This is what I want to do with my life. I want to be my own boss. I am so sick of sitting behind a desk, getting fatter and fatter, more and more disgruntled because the industrys that I choose end up in the tank. Don't get me wrong. I actually love the company that I work for. My family has done business with them for a long time, and I love the people I work with. Its just that there is no business right now. Mostly because the whore, the media, has destroyed it. listen, if you dont think that all that is going on around us was not somehow orchestrated, then you dont see the picture very clear. Anyways, enough of that. My following post will be an outline of my business venture.
Posted by
Jason Z. Pennington
5:36 PM
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Over It
Well, I have to admit, I am over everything that is going on with our government, economy, etc. I have come to realize that every single senator, congressman, president, etc is completely incompetent, greedy, evil, etc. We don't need these people anymore. We should start a revolution. A peaceful one of course. But, we sort of shot ourselves in the foot with our vote 3 weeks ago. Let's see how obama does. Maybe he will prove me wrong.
On to a different subject. Hunting has been terrible this year. My wife makes fun of me all the time because I never shoot a deer. Well, I trophy hunt, and it has been 4 years since I shot at a nice buck, and that buck I could not find because he got under some brush in a ditch and I couldnt find him. We did find him during rabbit season though, or what I think was left of him. Oh well. I just enjoy being out in the woods and seeing the animals. I could have shot 5 does the last time I went out, but I passed on them. Maybe I am a weenie, but both of the bigger ones had little ones with them. I didnt have the heart to pull the trigger. Plus, I didnt need the meat, so no use. I usually will pass up a doe in hopes that a hot buck will be right behind her. This year, I have seen less deer than I ever have in my life. I am sure it is because of the blue tongue disease that has happened the last two summers. It has killed a good number of the herd. Normally, there are 2-3 shooter bucks running our property. This year I have only seen one while out hunting, and 3 bucks total. Hopefully I will get lucky during muzzleloader season, but I say that every year!
Posted by
Jason Z. Pennington
9:59 AM
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
I need help and Ideas!
So, now with the election over, I want to switch the theme of my blog to hunting and outdoors. I also would like to start selling hunting hats, clothes, etc. If anyone knows of a good, true wholesaler of these products, please let me know. Also, if you would like to write any pieces about your hunting adventures, experiences, tips, etc on my blog, please let me know. I am wanting to expand this to a lot more than what it is right now. Thanks everyone!
Posted by
Jason Z. Pennington
9:01 AM
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Well, I am sure many wouldn't have expected me to say this, but congratulations to Barack Obama. President-Elect of the United States of America. The greatest country in the world. This election surely was about change. It was a democratic year. I look forward to seeing what Mr. Obama does for this country. I have to admit I am a bit excited. Even though I rooted against him, you have to admit, the man is something special. What that something is, we shall find out!
Posted by
Jason Z. Pennington
7:19 PM
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Wow, this is a must see!
I can say that I would have never guessed I would have seen this in my life, especially at this specific time!
Posted by
Jason Z. Pennington
5:16 PM
Update on Obama vs. Berg Lawsuit
It was dismissed in district court by the judge. However, ask yourself this before you cast your vote. Why hasn't Obama released his records from the Illinois senate. Why hasn't he released his transcripts from his time in college. Where is his senior thesis paper? Why won't he release a list of his donors? Who is backing him? Why? Ask yourself these things before you vote. If he would just come clean, I might just vote for him myself. I just have lots of questions that still need to be answered on my part!
Posted by
Jason Z. Pennington
10:45 AM
Ready, set, implode
Get ready folks. The election is less than a week away. Get ready for fraud, lawsuits, racism accusations, drama, etc etc. I have never seen a country so divided in my life. Count on riots either way. It should be interesting. My advice would be to go vote, report any funny business going on from either side, and then go home and lock your doors. Get ready. It is going to be a fun day and night!!!!
Posted by
Jason Z. Pennington
10:44 AM
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Is Obama Even a Citizen?
Well, of course there are all kinds of conspiracies going on right now. This is something I have been researching pretty extensivley here the last week. I didn't want to post too fast, and then regret it. I think we are on the cusp of something big that is about to happen. I think it also shows how corrupt our politicians on both sides, plus the mainstream media are. First, check this out. Philip Berg is a DEMOCRAT, former deputy attorney general of the state of pennsylvania, and has run for governor in that state. He isn't some wacko apparently. He has filed a suit in a pennsylvania district court calling for Obama's name to be taken off the Democratic Presidential ballot because he is not a naturally born citizen. Pretty scary stuff. I have seen the birth certificate that Obama posted on his fight the smears site. Well, problem is, first of all, it was a certificate of live birth, not a certified birth certificate. It was quickly taken down after people caught that, and started questioning the authenticity. Apparently it has been proven by thousands of graphic design artists that it is a photoshopped fake. Read this:
Anyways, the thing that bothers me is what if this is true? I am not saying 100% true that it is, but what if it is? What does this mean? It means that Obama will go to jail for election fraud, along with leading members of the DNC. It will be a huge deal. Probably be race riots, etc. Supposedly, McCain's lackluster, not seeming to care what is going on attitude is because the RNC is about the drop this bomb the week before the election. Also, supposedly Phil Berg has tapes of Michelle Obama talking about this, and saying the racist whites are trying to keep Obama from being president, and a tape of his grandmother from kenya saying Obama was born in Kenya, and she was there, at the hospital, along with his half brother and sister. There are also kenyans that have been on video that have said over and over that obama is a native kenyan son, and they are excited that an african could go to america and become president. So, check out the stuff on philip berg and his case. At least read it, because you will never see this on CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, etc. However, Greta Van sustren finally aknowledge it yesterday on her website, but then hid the comments section and story because so many people posted. I will try to post that link as well. All I am saying is, dont be surprised if the $hit hits the fan next week! Oh, and do take the time to listen to Philip Berg and Michael Savage audio clip. They raise some scary revelations, true or not. I guess my thing is, if this is going on, why doesn't Obama produce a real birth certificate to the court as requested by the judge (McCain already has, along with med records, transcripts, etc)if there is nothing to hide, or does he have something to hide? Also, where are his college transcripts, schedule as state senator, and his senior thesis projects? Along with the case records that he worked on as a lawyer? Something is going on.
Posted by
Jason Z. Pennington
8:46 AM
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Some great advice and Info
Folks, I ran across this when I got into work this morning, and thought I should immediately post this story. I think more and more people need to start looking into this kind of stuff. Read the story, and form your own opinion!
Posted by
Jason Z. Pennington
7:11 AM
Monday, October 6, 2008
Doesn't this remind you of something? A guy named hitler, and a thing called nazism? This is scary. We have 4 weeks left and you people had better wake up out there. If this doesnt creep the shit out of you, then you are already brain washed. Clean your guns, buy some ammo, because things are going to get bad folks, if this man is elected president of the United States. Be sure you watch the whole video too please:
Posted by
Jason Z. Pennington
12:55 PM
Friday, October 3, 2008
Thanks A lot Great Leaders!
Well, I just couldn't wait and had to go ahead and write. The bailout bill passed. Mark my words. This is the biggest scam in history. This may help things for a month or two, but you watch, after the two months is up we will be right back where we started. Actually back to where we began at the beginning of the year. Banks failing, mortgage business tanked, only difference will be we will have even LESS money than we have now. Unreal. If someone comes up and slits your throat wide open, and cuts your jugular vein, and you are bleeding profusely, You can just slap a bandaid on there and expect it to stop you from bleeding out. Again, our congressman, senators, and president have sold us down the river, along with our futures, our children, and our grandchildren. Sickening. Check out these links for some REAL information-
Posted by
Jason Z. Pennington
1:05 PM
Thursday, October 2, 2008
The Politicians Have sank the boat and America with it!
I always start my posting off like this, more and more. I havent written in a while, because I am trying to sware off of politics. However, I can't not post today. I thought the American People had won for once on Monday when the disgusting bailout plan was defeated. Then, of course, the manipulated stock market took a crash on monday, when they did't pass the bill. But then, guess what? It went up the day after that on hopes that they would pass a new one. This is all disturbing to me. We do not live in a free society anymore. It is becoming more and more apparent to me that things are not what they seem. George Bush came on Television with his emissary Hank Paulson telling us the sky was falling, and they needed immediate action and power to save it. Guess what you idiots, the american people do not want to bailout your fat cat friends on wall street. You use your fearmongering chicken little speeches to scare us and tell us of our impending doom. The market is correcting itself. Nothing more, nothing less. It is Karma, pure and simple. What goes around comes around. Our economy is very sick, and now it must take its medicine. Those that did business the wrong way, must fall by the wayside. But don't fret fellow citizen. There will be new banks and businesses to take their place. That will do business ethically and right. However, if this bill gets passed, forget it. Forget all that. We will be living in the same credit driven society we are in now, and will continue to rack up massive amounts of debt consumer wise, and government wise. I am really surprised china hasn't pulled the plug on us yet. I fear it will be only days or weeks until they do. You think this is bad, wait til the do that. They aren't our friends. And the thing that further insenses me is that no one understands where this money is coming from! It isnt truly taxpayer money. It is coming to us from guess who? China and the Middle East. Yeah, look it up. Add another trillion to the national debt. Good God man, when does it end. Ive been telling you that glenn beck has been on this for a year now. Everything that guy predicts comes to fruition.
I can't believe I am saying this, but if a bunch of people decided to start a revolution in this country, I would be all for it. I would be out there with all my guns and knifes going at it. Maybe we should organize it on the internet? Something has to be done. Lets start in the voting booth in a month and vote out all of the people who are going to sell us down the river with this bill first. Then we can see where we stand after about 6 months and make a decision from there. Advice for now? Buy guns if you don't have any. If you have them, stock up on bullets. You may need them either way.
Posted by
Jason Z. Pennington
4:10 PM
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Oil, the economy, and the idiots around us
Okay, Ive been gone from posting for over a month, but I just cant sit on the sidelines much longer with everything that is going on right now. We have banks failing left and right. Mortgage lenders going under. Possible impending doom for fannie mae and freddie mac. When will the people in washington learn? Nothing is being done. We have over 4 dollar a gallong gas now. Nothing is being done. We have signs that this economic crisis could deepend and broaden this fall and winter, and nothing is being done. I myself am sick of it. Oil dropped ten bucks in two days. It means nothing. In two days, it will be back up that amount plus a buck or two because some idiot in nigeria threatened a refinery, or A-Jad in Iran gets huffy puffy again.
I am starting to wonder if there isn't something darker behind all of this. Didn't Osama Bin Laden say one way he was going to bring down the U.S. was by destroying our economy? Looks like it would be safe to say that may be happening. And at the hands of what mainly.....besides the housing market? Oil. Where do we get oil? Most of it comes from the middle east I believe. I think we are in the midst of one of the biggest scams in the history of the world. A lot of people are suffering, but there are a few making billions off of all of this. Ill let you decide what you think. My mind is made up.
Posted by
Jason Z. Pennington
6:56 PM
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Well, I haven't written anything for a while, because I find it harder and harder to do lately. I watch the news, and what is going on, and it is nothing but bad stuff. I see a presidential election with 3 people that are well short of what we need after the mess of the last 8 years. Obama is a liar, a crook, basically, he is a typical politician. Hillary is going to stay in the primary until she tears apart the democratic party. McCain sometimes doesn't know which way is up. I think we are screwed either way! Congress is debating a bill that open the way up for legislation dealing with the hypothetical theory of global warming:
If these idiots could actually pass this bill (which they won't) then we would see an immediate tax put on gas that would raise gas prices $1.50. Are you freaking kidding me? It would also increase home energy bills by about 40-45%. How are we going to afford this? We can't afford to put gas in our cars right now. We can't put gas in our cars to drive to work, so we can put gas in our cars. Forget about saving money. You can't do it right now. The average american can't do it right now. There are on average about 1,000 trucking companies going out of business every month now. They can't afford to put diesel in their trucks to ship our food and products. If these goons in congress and the senate don't start looking out for their people they are representing, they are going to awake one night to a capitol lawn full of people with torches and pitchforks. We basically have a congress that has been hijacked by environmental whacko's who are blocking bills that would help us cope with energy prices, drill for new oil (wouldn't want to hurt the not really endangered polar bear!), and want to pass crazier and crazier legislation to handcuff businesses and consumers. I just don't know what to think anymore. Which is worse, the civil liberties we have given up since 9-11 (which honestly, i have never really felt an effect of), or the thought of a president (Barack Obama) who thinks because the international community doesn't like it that we can't drive our trucks, SUV's, and eat hamburgers from fast food joints. Shut up. Go to Canada and be a socialist. America is a free country, but it may not be for long. With whacko's on the right, and crazies on the left, our freedoms are under fire like you wouldn't believe. We had better wake up now, and vote these people out, or send them a message, or we are going to wake up and not recognize the country that our fathers, mothers, grandfathers, grandmothers, great grandfathers, and great grandmothers fought for to make it what it is today.
Just take a look at some of the oil reserves and alternative energy possiblities that are available, but are sitting dormant because the dems in congress and lobbyist won't allow us to help ourselves for gods sake!:
Posted by
Jason Z. Pennington
1:19 AM
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Too Much Baggage
Barack Obama, Barack Obama, Barack Obama. I see him on Television. I see his ads online. I got a call from some idiot reminding me to vote on Tuesday. I mean, if you have a tv, and any brain cells and a decent short term memory, you know that May 6th is the Indiana Primary. You also probably know that we actually MATTER for once in a democratic nomination. I'm no democrat, so it doesn't matter to me. At least, not this time around. I have TRIED and TRIED to like Obama. Hell, I was excited when he announced he was running for president. It was something different. A relatively young, mixed race, new face on the political scene. He was something new. for sure. Something big. There was a buzz about him. He is a great orator. He supposedly works very bi-partisanly. I liked the sound of it.
Now however, I don't like it. I don't like the sheep that he seems to be leading to their slaughter. The people that blindly follow him when there are obviously some very serious flaws with his judgement and character. Liberals will seemingly give their candidates a free pass no matter what. I really don't like that. Listen. If some republican idiot goes out and gets a DUI, cheats on his wife, molests children, is involved in a prostitution ring, or has a secret gay sex tryst uncovered, that person is done in my eyes. I say get rid of them. Resign immediately. However, on the democratic side, if you sit and listen to a racist, anti-american, radical, insane preacher for 20 years, are friendly with a known and unrepentant terrorist (William Ayres), are really friendly with a known crook in Chicago, and believe in black liberation theology you get a free pass because you are the messiah that they are looking for.
I wrote last week that I felt better about Barack after he denounced Rev. Wrong. I do. However, things continue to pop up that raise doubts about barack obama's judgement and character. The whole Rev. Wright controversy has obviously negatively affected Obama's campaign in North Carolina, and Indiana. I have to say though. I am going to vote tomorrow, and I am going to be excited to see what happens. I just wonder what the people who were at Roberts stadium a couple weeks ago, passing out on the floor, and in awe of the great one are going to do if he loses Indiana? Also, we haven't seem the end of the controversies for Barack. A photo came out of William Ayres stomping on an American Flag today, and Barack's new preacher at Trinity, whom he described as "a wonderful, young pastor", had a crazy, comparitavely insane first sermon in the pulpit. Check it out- Im sure you will be reading about it soon:
Posted by
Jason Z. Pennington
1:32 AM
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Pulling out all the Stops for Indiana
Well, I must say, even though I will not vote for either one of them, Barack and Hillary are pulling out all the stops. They are doing it all here in the good old state of Indiana. It is pretty cool to be honest with you. Having all these hollywood celebs (if you can call Ted Danson a celeb, and Sean astin, Sam From Lord of the Rings) singers, and political dignitaries. I for one did not go to the stadium to see Obama when he came. Neither did I go to see Hillary. I know what they are about. I don't want what they have to offer. I want someone in there with some balls (no offense to Hill). Someone who has been through rough times, someone who is a fighter. John McCain is my man. I know there are a lot out there that don't like him, but even if he is far from conservative, that is fine with me. He isn't a socialist, marxist left wing demo-nut. However. Bill O'Relly scoring an interview with Hillary last night, proves to that they don't have control over the party like they think they do. Not even their idle little threats to harm either candidate if they were to go on Fox News dissuaded Hillary. Now, Obama needs to go on there. These left wing jerks and thugs don't understand that they are a small fringe of the democratic party. There are lots of Reagen democrats and moderate democrats who watch fox, and they are only hurting themselves if they don't go on . Thanks Hillary, for having some balls, and standing up to these whacko's.
My last post about Obama still stands true. I do feel better about him now after he finally refudiated Jeremiah Wrong. The thing that concerns me though, is how he arrived at doing it. Why did it take for Wright to repeat, what it seems to me he has preached from him pulpit for 20 years, for Obama to finally distance himself. I don't get it. Barack, surely you knew after being there for 20 years, and sharing such a close relationship with this man. It was obvious you were emotionally distressed after you came out and threw him under the bus. He was close. A mentor. But now you say he was never your spiritual advisor, Not a mentor, just your pastor. But, if that is true, then why did you give him so much credit a year ago for your personal life and rise to fame? You spoke of him as a father. You even named your book after one of his sermons! I'm afraid all of this will result in a challenge of Obama's true character and judgement.
Also, One other thing that has been on my mind lately.....The way Wright threw Obama under the bus at the National Press Club interview, makes me kind of wonder. Was he somehow paid off by the Clinton's? I found this interesting picture and article while surfing the other night. Enjoy it. I just wonder why we haven't heard any questions about this possibility?
Posted by
Jason Z. Pennington
6:22 PM
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Just Thoughts
I have been so wrapped up with politics lately in my blogging, that I haven't taken the time to just write some thoughts that I have been having. This will be a rambling, random post, but it helps sometimes to just write things. I went down to Talladega over the weekend for the race with my friends Whitney, Phill Blessinger, Phil Bradley, and Ben Stephens. It was a ton of fun. Whit and I drove down friday night, and we made many stop on the way. We didnt get there until 2:00 in the morning, so we promptly went to sleep, and managed to toss and turn until about 10 a.m. We spent the day sitting at our campsite in the sun, just shooting the breeze, drinking some beer, enjoying cigars and some kodiak. It was a lot of fun. Unfortunately, the real fun which is the night time, got cancelled because we had a good storm roll in. We tarped our canopy tent so the rain wouldnt get us, and played some card games and hung out. Ben had a bit too much to drink, fell off a cooler, and then laid on the wet ground snoring for about 45 minutes. Once we roused him by slapping him in the face with a hot dog, he then laughed hysterically at me and whitney as we stood by the roadside yelling at cars to "SLOW DOWN, THIS IS A DAMN NEIGHBORHOOD!" Luckily, we slept through the rain, and got up early the next morning and were lucky enough to have the rain hold off long enough for NASCAR to get the race in. It was just a great time, and it was sad to go back to work on Monday.
Lately I have been thinking about looking for a new job, and have decided I need to now. Things aren't so good in the mortgage business, and there is a lot of unneeded stress at work, on top of not making any money anymore. I think eventually you have to just take a step back and evaluate. I need to find a job where I work normal hours, have a good guarenteed salary, and am happy. I want to see my wife more often and just be in a better mood. With the economy the way it is, it sucks all around for middle of the road people. You just have to buck up, and take it, and try to have a little fun so you don't go crazy. I have a good business idea with the logging and land stuff, but I need some money to get my LLC formed. I was going to do that with my commission check from a couple months ago, but we put it in savings, and are hesistant to spend it right now with how things are. Maybe Ill do it with the rebate check I will get. Maybe I can put it to good use. I am also starting to realize now may be a good time if you can find an idea for a business or investment to take advantage of the economy being weak. I think real estate (land) and stocks are the way to go, because once things start getting better, which they will, you will have bought cheap, and sold high for sure.
Another thing that has been on my mind lately is how much I love my dogs. I know, it sounds stupid. They are just animals. To me though, they are more than that. They are good pals. They are always happy to see me. They are always wanting my attention. My black Lab Sally goes down stairs with me when I get home at night and lays on the couch next to me. Its nice to have a buddy like that. Sadie does too, but she is a mommas girl, so a lot of times, she will come and hang out for a bit, but then it is back up to the bedroom with momma to sleep in my spot on the bed (on top of the covers) and wait for me to come and go to sleep. God Bless them, they are great (and rex too, but he is still warming up to us!)
I guess I am going to ask for a grant, welfare, or a handout here. If some rich, nice person wants to float me a grant for about 100,000 dollars so I can get my business started, I will tell ya, I believe that within 2 years I can pay it back, plus some interest, and get my business going. If you are feeling charitable, and want to see a young man achieve his dreams, just let me know. But no funny business. I dont need to get screwed!
Posted by
Jason Z. Pennington
1:32 AM
Thank You Barack
Well, I have to be honest, after hearing Rev. Wrights comments to the National Press Club, I was sick to my stomach. This guy is crazy. There is no doubt about it. This whole thing with Rev. Wright has been a bit of a drag on Obama. Just the utter hatred, and insanity of the things that this guy has said, gave me cold chills, and made me feel very offended, and feel feelings that i haven't felt before towards someone. I didn't like it. He was attacking my country. And he was attacking me. White America in his eyes is the devil. We deserved 9/11. Our chickens had come home to roost. The audacity of him to say that his comments were taken out of context just completely dumbfounded me. He said what he said. And now it seems he wants to expound on them and add fuel to the already hot burning fire.
Then comes today. Barack finally came out and categorically denied the Rev. Wright and any question on him agreeing with his views. While Barack still has a lot of questions to answer, it has eased my uneasiness about him. If he is just being a politician, then he has at least convinced me. I'm not saying that I will vote for him, but if he were to win, I don't think I will move to a different country. But, that could always change! Check out what Obama had to say:
On another note. I was heading to the gym after work, and I think i may have passed Hillary Clinton going south on highway 41 after being in Princeton. Whoever it was, it was someone important. It was a big motorcade, and there were a bunch of police cars, and even more police on motorcycles escorting it. It was kind of cool.
Posted by
Jason Z. Pennington
1:22 AM
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Earthquakes and UFO's
So, what in the world is going on here lately? Since the beginning of the year, there have been mass UFO sightings in Stephenville, Texas, and on Sunday near and around Phoenix Arizona. Here in Indiana, we have had 23 earthquakes and aftershocks since friday. Holy Cow. What is going on? I will be completely honest. I was SCARED TO DEATH when I awoke friday morning to the earthquake. It was 4:37 a.m. At first, i thought it may be a wreck, and someone hit my house. Then I thought maybe it was a tornado, but I looked out the window, and the wind wasnt even blowing. My house kept shaking though. And my doggies started freaking out. I got more and more scared as the shaking continued. But I think more than anything, the rumbling freaked me out. It was like thunder coming from the ground. I immediately turned on the news in my bedroom, and byron douglas was saying we were having an earthquake. Wow. Then, we had another one about 6 hours later. And numerous aftershocks that I haven't really felt. But 23 all together, man that is a lot of activity. I hope it isnt leading up to something worse in the near future. Here are some interesting stories on these topics if you want to check them out:,0,4400341.story
Posted by
Jason Z. Pennington
12:44 AM
Obama Apparently isn't a Closer
Maybe the sparkle is started to wear off. Maybe the controversies recently are starting to catch up with him. The media is starting to sway a bit on their liberal bias for him. Hillary whooped that ace tonight in Pennsylvania. That tells me that hard working, blue collar democrats dont like to be called bitter, or told that they cling to their guns and religion. All I can envision for the next couple months is more drama in this democratic primary. It is hilarious to be honest with you. Remember the Electile dysfunction comments dems threw around about the republican primaries? Looks like someone else is having trouble with dysfunction.
I was told today that I was biased against Barack Obama. You are damn right I am biased against Barack Obama. I am not one of these fools who has been caught up in the handsome man, in the nice suit, that reads well off a teleprompter. This guy was doing that earlier here in my city tonight. Okay, listen, Im sorry. I dont believe that Obama is a bad guy. I dont think he is evil. I think he definately has a lot of people fooled. I just want you to do your research on him. That is all. Please, dont turn into one of the brainwashed fools that has packed roberts stadium because you are caught up in the rockstar persona around him right now. If you went to see what it was all about, that is cool. That is a good thing, because I know a few people went, and it started to make them realize, they need to think about this some more, and make an informed decision. Not a decision based on hype, and smooth talking. Here are some good articles to read on obama-
Michelle Obama's Senior Thesis-
This is all im doing i dont get too worked up!
Posted by
Jason Z. Pennington
12:20 AM
Friday, April 11, 2008
I'm Back!
Well, after some long breaks of not writing, I am back tonight. Im sure the few people who read my blog regularly have long left. If not, thanks for staying with me. I have just been so stressed out with my job, trying to start working out again, on vacation, getting ready for turkey season, and most of fed up with politics that I was worried I would give myself a heart attack if I kept going at the pace I was.
I will tell you one thing. Day by day I am more and more concerned about the direction our country is heading. I will tell you right now. I am voting for McCain. No doubt about it. The democrats seriously worry the hell out of me. While I have been away, I have still been staying on top of things. There were so many times where I wanted to get on here and blog about something that was said on Glenn Beck, Hannity and Colmes, Bill O'Reilly, Lou Dobbs, etc. But, I forced myself not to. I have been perusing the courier and press message boards and reading comments. I have also been checking out a new site I found called This is a great site if you want to read views from both sides, which I do. So, some things I have seen that concern me. I see comments by obvious liberals and left wingers that remind me of nearly hitleresque rhetoric, and it is now apparent to me their socialist agenda. There is a left wing conspiracy. To destroy capitalism, redistribute wealth, and thrust us into a socialist government. Throw out the constitution, and start it all over in their view. The first time I saw Jonah Goldberg (author of Liberal Facsism) on Glenn Beck and then Hannity and Colmes, I thought, come on now, this is getting a little crazy. But I am starting to see the similarities clearly. Just take the comments off of the courier and press website today from a couple well known self described liberals:
Posted by merelykaren on April 10, 2008 at 5:10 p.m. (Suggest removal)
It is clear the objective of the conservative repubs who post here is to keep this country in perpetual war to the benefit of corporatism, destory the middle class and drive it into servitude for the benefit of corporatism, and to establish a white christian ruling class that will make other races and non-christians subservient to them. This is the ugly truth that began surfacing when they stole the presidency for idiot boy in 2000 and has snowballed since. They will try to subvert the coming election and will prevent it if possible. They are a bigger threat to the US than any foreign country has ever been. Wake up America, turn them out, drive them down and condemn them to never win an election again. They ARE the enemy.
Posted by timeforchange08 on April 10, 2008 at 2:33 p.m. (Suggest removal)
Is that all you republicans can do is criticize the other party for having ideas and solutions to our problems. You say we are in a dream world. I think you conservatives have been so stuck on your capitalistic dogma that you no longer have creative brain cells in your head. Maybe after we force you into our way of thinking you will actually enjoy it. Look at the Clinton years. Compare them to now, sounds like the progressive thinkers can claim the victory here.
Posted by timeforchange08 on April 10, 2008 at 1:35 p.m. (Suggest removal)
For years we have had conservative republicans uphold this idea of capitalism. Look at where it has gotten us as a whole. There is a small group of rich people that hold 80% of the money and the rest of us have to fight for the other 20%. Talk about someone ruling with their thumb, look at the gas prices, whos thumb are you under now?
Posted by timeforchange08 on April 10, 2008
We need to take that 80% and distribute it out to those who are having a hard time and need to raise a family. Take that 80% and provide health care to everyone, not just the wealthy. The most anyone should be able to make is $50k. If you make more than that it needs to be given to those less fortunate. This is how communities work.
Posted by timeforchange08 on April 10, 2008 at 1:35 p.m. (Suggest removal)
For years we have had conservative republicans uphold this idea of capitalism. Look at where it has gotten us as a whole. There is a small group of rich people that hold 80% of the money and the rest of us have to fight for the other 20%. Talk about someone ruling with their thumb, look at the gas prices, whos thumb are you under now?
We need to take that 80% and distribute it out to those who are having a hard time and need to raise a family. Take that 80% and provide health care to everyone, not just the wealthy. The most anyone should be able to make is $50k. If you make more than that it needs to be given to those less fortunate. This is how communities work.
...................These comments alone concern me. Notice comments that say- THEY ARE THE ENEMY, and AFTER WE FORCE YOU. I'm afraid if we choose Obama, or Clinton, next our right to own guns will be gone after. Then, it will be apparent what is on the horizon. Congratulations to these two crazy liberals, you, unfortunately won nothing for having your comments posted on my blog. However, I do thank you for your insightfulness into your "progressive thinking." Now, I'm not saying McCain is the answer to all of our problems, but at least I somewhat trust him not to turn us into a socialist government within 6 months of taking office.
Posted by
Jason Z. Pennington
12:20 AM
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Barack Obama
Well, first off, let me extend an apology to those who actually check my blog every day for updates. I took some time off because actually watching and reading all the political stuff that has been going on just about wore me out. Mainly because I end up getting all worked over it. I had to write tonight though because this whole Barack Obama thing has me kind of freaked out. I watched intently when the news stations aired the controversial sermons and statements of Rev. Wright from Trinity United Church. Let me recomment that you do a google search on Black Liberation Theology to get started.
The people out there that are saying this is a non issue are absolutely insane. Guess who it is saying this? The left. I just honestly want people to ask themselves, if this had been me going to a "White" Church, and my pastor was spewing the same hate as Mr. Wright, and where the word white is used by Mr. Wright, replace that with Black. I would never be allowed to run for a political office because everyone would think I was a racist. Im watching Greta Van Susteron right now, and there is some jackass on here talking about how Rev. Wright's words were taken out of context. SHUT THE HELL UP! This idiot Barack Obama talks about be a uniter. Uniting races, blah blah blah. Read what Black Liberation Theology is. It calls for the destruction of white people. And you think Barack Obama didn't know what his church and his pastor were all about? This bastard is a wolf in sheeps clothing. Im sick of the biased media not giving this any attention, because it is an issue. They will see this if he is the nominee for the democrats and he has to compete in a general election, and more stuff comes out, he is done. I can't imagine that that many americans will elect someone associated with a man like Mr. Wright. Mr. Wright is dead wrong. His sermons are sermons of hate. Sermons of Divisiveness, sermons of racism, and anti americanism. I dont care if he only said this stuff once, once, and even twice, and even three times as we have seen is too damn much, and I for one will not support a candidate that has attended a church that speaks of this kind of "black christianity". It isnt christianity, it is the devil, and i truly believe that.
Posted by
Jason Z. Pennington
12:26 AM
Friday, February 22, 2008
Democrats=Socialist American
I was sitting here "trying" to watch the debate between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton and I literally started yelling obscenities at the television on several occasions. I think I have finally figured out that I absolutely, vehemently disagree with all of either candidates policies. These people are idiots. These people being Clinton and Obama. I can't even stand it anymore. How can people think that things that they want to implement if they win the presidency would be good "change"? Listen, I don't care much for George Bush, and quite honestly, I am sick of the far right of the party. I am down the middle. I would say I am a moderate conservative when it comes to security, fiscal responsibilities, and social views. I am sitting here listening to all of the change talk, and I can say I dont want this change. They ask, are you better off than you were four years ago? I can say, yeah, absolutely I am. Things are shaky in the country and abroad, but I'm fine.
What got me insanely mad was when they started talking about Healthcare. Look, I know firsthand that our healthcare system is in shambles. Doctors dont care about patients, nurses are overworked, and therfore dont give caring, adequate care to patients, it is all about the money. There is no doubt that things need to be changed. But, Hillary wants to make it a mandate for EVERYONE to get health insurance. If you dont, then she is going to garnish your wages. Give me a break. That is socialism. If I dont want health insurance, then I have the right to refuse it. You cant FORCE anything on me. The democrats want MORE government. MORE TAXES. Do you realize, if we elect Barack OBama, we will have the largest tax INCREASE IN HISTORY? Are you kidding me? We already pay a shit ton of taxes, and it is ridiculous. I once had over 3,000 dollars taken out of my paycheck one month for taxes. No doubt some of that is going to lazy, drug dealer, P.O.S. people. Other parts of it are going to support ILLEGAL ALIENS who land in our emergency rooms. Im sick of it. Listen, you can take your healthcare plans, your taxes, your gun control, your cut and run and surrender in wars, and shove it up your ace. I can't accept it. But guess what. The sheep that follow these people will. They want change, and are willing to give up freedoms for that change. These people are Nuts.
I will tell you one thing. If someone comes to take my guns away, they will roll me away in an ambulance, probably dead. I tell you another thing. I dont want to, and I may not pay extra taxes if that is what happens. The IRS will throw me in jail I guess. Over 200 years ago, didnt a smart, brave group of people revolt against a government because of taxation without representation. Do you realize we pay the highest tax rates in the world, and yet our government debt is over a trillion dollars? Are you kidding me? People, you better read Obama's plans and policy stances instead of falling for his good speeches, good looks, and appeal. We better start questioning him about some things of substance, or else we are going straight back to the seventies. Wake up people.
Posted by
Jason Z. Pennington
12:15 AM
Friday, February 15, 2008
My family
It is valentines day, and I guess I am feeling loving today. I just wanted to say, dont take your family, or your friends for granted. Love them. Appreciate them, spend time with them, praise them. Your family is the most important thing in your life. I love my mom, my grandma, my close cousins, my wife (especially) more than you could imagine. I am so proud of my mom. She has come so far, and is such a good mom it is unreal. My grandma has been resilient in the loss of my grandpa. I know she misses him very much, but she knows she will see him again one day, we all will. She has stayed strong, when I know it is nearly impossible because it has been for me on a daily basis. I would go through torture, starvation, dehydration, death, anything for my family, no questions asked. I love you all so much, and grandpa, I know you know too. You are my guardian angel now and I know you are watching down proudly on all of us right now. We will see you heaven!
I also couldnt be blessed with better friends. I could probably write a whole page of my friends that are very important to me. Matt Werner, Jake lampert, Whitney Nuekam, Chris Crowley, Greg Cissell, Dave Franklin, Pat Pittman, Dave Ernspiger, Brent Epley, Scott Jones, Rick Tenbarge, Mike Gelarden, John Stewart, Peter Jochim, Kyle Werner, Scott Riley, Aaron Vaal, I could go on and on. You guys are the bomb. Great friends for sure. I look forward to the future and all the good times we will have! Holla!
Posted by
Jason Z. Pennington
1:17 AM
Get your Heads out of the sand, or your ace if that is where it is
I want you to do something before you vote, if Barack Obama is the democratic nominee. If you are an independent, don't try to do the "cool" thing and vote for Barack until you read up on this guy's policies. While I would love to see Hillary get spanked, What we get with Barack is even more liberal than Billary. After hearing about the bill he helped sponsored to commit us to basically pay a UN tax for the Global poverty outreach program (we would be required to spend 800 billion dollars + to the shady UN, we have seen how the take charity money "and put it to work") I just about sharted myself on my couch, threw a bottle at my tv, and then asked my dogs how americans can be so snowed, and allow themselves to be snowed. My question is this? Where are we going to get that money? China right? Screw that. They already own us, and look to be building up their military so they can call our debt one day, and then go to war with us. No seriously, this is outrageous. This after he just got done saying we need to pull out of iraq and stop spending billions over there on a failed state (which I agree with) and spend that money on the american people. For education, poor americans, etc. That is a great idea barack, but you just lied through your teeth. You want to support the world, and get us more in bed with the UN apparently, so that we can move closer to the one world government and give up our sovereignty. He is just like every other politician. He wants to spend more than hillary with his "plans, and ideas" that the US cant afford. They are saying all this stuff, when our economy is in shambles right now. Which now, I am going to go off on a tangent.
Bernanke said today that the fed would lower rates again if need be, and that the economy is worse off than thought basically. Are these people idiots? We cant keep putting a band aid on a severed artery. Eventually, it is going to bleed out and die. We can take our medicine now, batten down the hatches for a short period, and get through this mess, or we can just keep delaying the inevitable. Im no economist. But I did sleep at a holiday inn express last night. Common sense seems to be absent in all of Washington, and it scares the bejeepers out of me.
So back to my main point. Dont get sucked into all this hope b.s. Please. America is, can, and will be the greatest company in the world, but until we get these idiots out of office, and get some people that are there FOR the people, we are going to continue to head down the wrong road. Obama is just like every other politician, republican, democrat, etc. They will say what you want to hear, promise you fairy tales, and then when they get elected, they stab you in the back as always. Wake the hell up people. On both sides of the aisle. Your country is being taken from you, the people.
Posted by
Jason Z. Pennington
1:00 AM
Monday, February 11, 2008
The Amazing Race
I tell you what. It is pretty cool it see what is going down with the presidential race right now. Mitt Romney bowed out last week kind of surprisingly, and Billary seems to be losing her grip. She is on a big losing streak, and Barak seems to be poised to get the delegates needed to secure the nomination (I hope!) It would so awesome to see Hillary get her ace handed to her. She came into this thing like she was entitled (democrats think everyone is entitled to things) to the nomination. My how things change. She just dumped 5 million into her own campaign to stay in the black. I love it. I have no problem with Barak Obama getting the nod, or even becoming president. I don't agree with ANY of his policies. However, he would be a president that i think would really unite the country. Hopefully he could hire enough people on his staff to do the presidential stuff, because Im not sure he has a clue. One thing that surprises me though is that the huckster (mike huckabee) is still in the race. Who know, maybe he is hoping for a nod for vice president, or maybe he is just crazy enough to think that he can get what basically equates to 85% of the vote from here on out to win the nomination. Now that would be a miracle, but you never know, I hear he is in pretty good with the guy upstairs. He may be able to pull it off!
Now, I was going to dedicate a seperate post to this, but Ill just lump it in with this. Glenn Beck really pissed me off. If you have read any of my previous posts, you will see that I was pretty into the Glenn Beck show. Tonight was the first night I have watched his show in nearly two weeks. I just couldnt take his pandering to mitt romney anymore, and his incessant critisism of John McCain. It was so apparent that he was for romney from the get go, and when McCain started going after him, he didnt like it. Why? Because he is a Mormon, and so is Beck. I am getting sick of these conservative commentators like glenn beck, sean hannity, ann coulter, and rush limbaugh just lambasting John McCain like they have. I am giving up the secret of who I will vote for right here. That is right. McCain. You know why? Because he will work with the other party. He will work with the democrats, and isnt that the ultimate goal? To agree on things, so that the people that they represent (thought it seems that they have forgotten how they got there already) can get the things they want and need. I didnt agree with some of his immigration policies, or the campaign finance reform. However, he showed that he isnt so blind that he will only work with republicans. I more and more think about dropping my status as a registered republican because I am sick of all the partisan politics. All these idiots in congress do is argue against each other and try to promote themselves and their party to the front. All you hear is how the democrats have to win the white house. What if ALL of congress, all of senate, and the president were democrats, or republicans. It would suck! This is a democracy. A place for different view points and different ideas. I dont want to be forced into liberal thinking, but I also dont want to be forced into the ultra conservative side of things either. There are left wing liberal nutjobs, and right wing conservative nut jobs.
I saw Ann coulter on Hannity and Colmes saying that she would vote for Hillary Clinton over John McCain. WHAT? I nearly jumped out of my seat. I couldnt believe it. The reason she would do this is because she says the republicans need to hit bottom and revert back to the conservative ideology that it was founded on and known for. Life is about progressing, and evolving. The republican party is moving more to the center. That is what the american population is doing. It is reflective of what is going on. Glenn Beck said the same thing today. They think that if the democrats win in November, then 4 years from now everyone will be fed up with them, and then a republican will win the presidential election. This is destructive to the ideology and the party that they are talking about.
I think McCain is the right candidate for the republicans. He actually is conservative if you look at his record. He is a hawk when it comes to the military. He has a strong anti abortion voting record. He is fiscally responsible, he is against pork barrel spending. They just dont like that he will work with the other party. That is their problem with him......Which to me is absolutely destructive to the american political system, and even more damaging to the people they are supposed to be representing.
Posted by
Jason Z. Pennington
11:38 PM
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
The problem with Democrats.
This is not going to have any links for you to read. Any articles for you to peruse. This is totally observational on my part, and it is time that I wrote it. Those of you who it pisses off, I'm apologizing in advance.
I was sitting here watching Hannity and Colmes tonight, and something jumped out at me. First of all, they have this frank luntz guy, who does these focus groups and they have this meter they use that measures voters responses to candidates. Well, either I am missing when he has the republicans on there, or he JUST has democrats on there all the time. Every time, I see the same damn thing with these people. They flip flop their support all the time. The problem is, they aren't choosing on the issues, they are choosing on one of 3 things. 1) They hate bush and don't care as long as it is a democrat. 2) They want whoever is electable over the republicans. 3) they like who is popular. No issues. Sean Hannity had Luntz ask the people in the focus group to name ONE accomplishment of either Barak Obama, or Hillary Clinton. Not ONE person could name ONE accomplishment. They didn't have a clue. One idiot said, "he is a good orator!", yeah buddy, that is opinion, not accomplishment. Another said, "Obama is likable!", are you kidding me? There was one fat red headed guy with a long sleeve yellow shirt with his legs spread wide open and had on some shorty shorts that made him look like he wasnt wearing pants. I almost barfed. These people were ALL verifiable morons. Every one of these groups that I have seen, the people don't even know what they are talking about. They are just there acting like they care about the issues. It seems to me that a lot of the voters who are "democrats" have these qualities that jump out to me when I hear them comment and speak about their candidates:
*They are filled with hate for Bush and the Republican Party (yet their democratically controlled congress has lower approval ratings than President Bush)
*They blame everyone else but themselves for problems.
*They always want to "give" people things. They push for "entitlement" for the welfare nation, and minorities. (Whatever happened to the "pursuit" of happiness, you can't just be given it)
*They are all about "choice" and political correctdness, yet whenever someone so much as talks about christianity, abortion, or the military, they yell and scream like sissy's.
*The one's that I have heard talk, give speeches, etc, seem to me to be very weak in character and disingenuous.
Now, you can jump me all you want, but another thing that my grandpa always pointed out to me locally was the number of catholics that vote democratically. One reason for this is because the democrats are supposed to be for the "working, blue collar" american, yet how can you agree with the democrats position on abortion if you are a catholic, or evangelical christian? Even the pope admonishes abortion as a sin, so according to the infalliable pope, if you vote for a democrat, then you are sinning because you are voting for abortion. I just want the answer to some of these things.
I believe there are crazys on both sides of the aisle. There are people that are left wing liberal nutjobs, and there are people who are right wing conservative nut jobs. I fall somewhere in the middle. I would call myself someone who has common sense, and can make decisions on my own, instead of following the sheep on the far right, or the snakes on the far left. Hopefully you can make your own decisions as well instead of falling victim to the hype on both sides.
Posted by
Jason Z. Pennington
12:10 AM
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Take Your Medicine
We need to take our medicine America. The fed can't just keep cutting rates. That is just going to devalue our dollar and increase inflation. I can't believe the idiots that run this country sometimes. We got ourselves into this mess as a whole. Politicians, ourselves, banks, the list goes on and on. Lets just get it over with. Agree or disagree? The longer this goes on, the worse it will be when we finally do take that pill. Either way, it will be hard to swallow. The longer we put it off though, the bigger the pill gets, and we are going to need a huge glass of water to get it down out throats. But you can't say we don't deserve it!
Posted by
Jason Z. Pennington
11:45 PM
Sorry I haven't been posting lateley!
Hello everyone! I am so sorry to those of you who have been visiting my page and not seeing any updates. I have been very busy. I have still been keeping an eye on the news, but I am trying to make some moves to make my life better. I have always wanted to own my own business and be my own boss. I have always had ideas on how to do that, but maybe not very good ones, or very well thought out ones. I got excited when I came up with my newest idea because for the first time, my wife thought it was a good idea and backed me 100%. I have been researching a lot the last couple weeks about my idea, and I hope to start doing something in the next month. I would like to be doing this full time in 6 months to a year (that may be overly ambitious, but you have to have a goal right?). Right now may be the time to do it also with what is going on in the economy. I will keep you updated! Please wish me luck!
Posted by
Jason Z. Pennington
11:40 PM
Thursday, January 17, 2008
I must be psychic!
Read yesterday's post, then read this one. Wonder where we are headed? Or should I say, is it going to be the big R or the big D?
Posted by
Jason Z. Pennington
3:22 PM
Recession, Depression, or Just a bunch of bologna crap?
As I sat here tonight thinking about what to title this blog, there were several titles that I passed on, but here they are:
What the Hell?
We are screwed?
How are a bunch of idiots running our country?
What is going to happen?
Like it or not, the outlook does not look good for the economy in 2008. I work in the mortgage business, and see the effects first hand. In the last 6 months really is where things have just gone down the crapper. I went from closing over a million dollars a month most months, to not being able to scrounge up a loan to save my life. Appraisals coming in lower and lower. A lot of houses coming back as being in an oversupplied and declining market. It is kind of scary. So what are the american people going to do when they can't keep borrowing against the equity of their homes? Who knows? We get less and less refinances where we are consolidating debt because the equity isn't there. There are more and more people on adjustable rate mortgages who waited and waited, and now their rates adjusted, and they are flat out screwed because they can't refinance because there isn't enough equity in their home. So now, like I said, what is going to happen? Well, this whole mess is going to spill over into other markets. It is already starting to happen. We are starting to see more and more late payments on credit cards, or just not paying them because the interest is so high. Once this really starts taking hold, then people are going to curb their spending even more, because they don't have cash on hand, and don't have any credit left (which is starting to happen also), and we are going to be thrown headlong into a Big, Bad, Recession. Really, it could be worse. If you read the article above about the similarites between 1928 and 2008, it really is quite scary. Once spending slows down, the economy will be in trouble, because the thing that has been propping our economy up (over 60%) is spending. Once the money dries up, then the economy topples, right? If I am wrong, please tell me I am. I want to be wrong.
The fed keeps lowering rates, but is this the answer? No, because it causes more inflation because the value of the dollar declines (as it has been for quite sometime now). This is another scary thing facing our economy and country. It has helped exports, but that is it. What happens when China decides to pull our card on all of our debt with them? The dollar sinks. Better buy some gold! I guess we should all buckle down, and be prepared right? It seems the media fuels this as well, because I wouldnt even be writing about this if I didn't hear about it every day. I'm afraid that when it does happen, no one will be ready, and it will be scary times, but let's hope not. I do like the ideas that the republican presidential candidates have brought up in the debates when questioned about this issue. They say cut taxes, but the big thing is, cut spending. I'm not sure they can really do this because they love to spend, but I think it is time to start taking care of the U.S.A. instead of getting involved in everything that comes up around the world. We give away so much money to all these countries that we should not be. What if we kept it and invested in OUR future, instead of theirs. How about we fight the war against terrorism here at home? We have a border crisis that no one ever hears about because the media is Pro illegal immigration. We need to secure our borders first!
So Bush is over in the middle east trying to come up with a peace agreement between the israelis and the palestinians. Yeah George, that seems like something you should really be worrying about right now. He is also over the begging the OPEC nations to cut the prices on oil. Good Job Mr. Bush. Beg. I supported Bush for a long time, but now, more and more, everytime I see him, all that comes to mind is moron, idiot, and a lot of other choice words. But really, I could say that about EVERY single politician that is in congress, the senate, state level, etc. We are so out of it, that we don't know what we are doing anymore. Let's take care of us and be greedy for once. Without We the People, there is no United States, and it is time the political morons realize this and save us from ourselves......
Posted by
Jason Z. Pennington
12:17 AM
Monday, January 14, 2008
Can't we all just get along?
Maybe the problems of our country all come down to one thing. How unbelievably divided we are as a country. You have democrats on one side, republicans on the other. Then you have your fringe groups of left wing crazy liberals, and right wing religous nuts. Then you have independents out there that really are the people with any common sense left.
George Bush accomplished one thing while in office. Dividing the country further along political lines, capitalizing on what Bill Clinton was responsible for starting. Back when Clinton was in office, the republicans were trying to burn him at the stake, now it has come full circle. Democrats are in control of congress, and they want to be sure that Bush fails and is seen as a complete failure in his presidency. Bush is an idiot. That is for sure. My grandpa always said that he though Dick Cheney was the real person in charge, and I think he may be. What is wrong with this? The fact that someone is "in charge". It's the people who are in charge, right? Wrong. Because we have elected a bunch of representatives that do not do, or fight for the things that We the People want. What is it going to take for us to wake up? It wasn't that long ago that there was a civil war in this country (in the terms of history). Granted, the chances of someting like that happening now are slim to none, we still need to exercise our voting rights because they are just that. Rights. Get up off your butt when election time comes near and VOTE! I don't care if you are a liberal, a right winger, a fiscally conservative republican, an independent, an alien (space alien), whatever, get out there and vote. If you don't, you have no one to blame but yourself.
Posted by
Jason Z. Pennington
11:59 PM
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
The Presidential Primary Mess
Is it possible that in the firt 3-4 primaries we could actually have different winners in each? Iowa was a surprise. I mean, really, it was. Are the American people finally standing up for themselves. Romney and Clinton both think they can BUY the election because they have the most money, yet both of them got beat handily in Iowa. Obama. Wow. Huckabee, not so wow. Listen, I don't want to be predicting anything, but a democrat is going to win the presidential election. There is not one republican candidate that has shown they can beat a democratic candidate. I dont want Obama to be president. I dont want clinton to be president. I damn sure dont want edwards to be president. However, I can honestly say that I dont want any of the republicans to be president. Mccain will let the flood gates open up for illegal aliens. Romney is a snake in the grass. If he wins, we will have a decent economy, but the rich will benefit the most. Giuliani is a moron. Everything he says in the debates and forums is about 9-11. Ron Paul is insane, but amazingly, I probably agree most with some of his ideas (so i guess im crazy, but i like to think I am a constitutionalist). Fred Thompson has been the biggest disappointment to me of anyone. Fred, what the hell? Why are you running for president. You dont seem to even care when you are up there answering questions. I think he is the best choice, but you have to be able to rally people behind your cause. No one even knows what Fred's about, because he hasnt told us.
While I dont remember the 70's too well (i was a late 1979 baby) from what history tells me, we are in nearly a mirror image of what was going on then. Republican corruption leads to an ineffective democratic president (jimmy carter) who won because he was the candidate of change and a likable guy (ala obama and huckabee). Iran is knocking on our doorstep (the republican national guard confronted some of our navy ships in the gulf over the weekend, trying to set off world war III i would guess) gas prices are at an all time high, inflation is creeping up and up, and we have a very unstable economy (that the government tells us is strong, oh its so strong, wake the hell up!) and Russia and Red China are becoming more agressive towards us than ever before. Hmm, what the hell do we do? We have a bunch of people running for president that are going to lead up further towards this path of crisis. The only candidate that I would trust with our security in the future is john McCain, because he understands the stakes, and has actually lived through war and been a POW. He is a true american hero, however, I'm not sure he could beat a democratic front runner (even though through his policies, he may as well be a democrat with the McCain-Feingold legislation, McCain-Kennedy legislation, etc)
So what do we do? I don't know. I think we should all stock up on guns and ammo, canned food, and build a bunker to climb in because it may come to that in the next 10 years. Hopefully though, maybe Jesus will come back and I'll be caught up in the rapture (if Im lucky). Good night.
Posted by
Jason Z. Pennington
12:41 AM